More DnD terms for real life

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Sarah's POV

I get out of my car and rush back into the school. I run to my chemistry class and run in. I see that I've interrupted the class. They're all just staring at me. "Ms.Byers, wonderful that you've finally joined us." The teacher says.

"Sorry Mrs.Johnson. I had to help my mother with some stuff." I quickly lie. Mrs.Johnson just sighs and motions for me to go to my seat. I rush over and sit down. Steve sits next to me, and he keeps eyeing me weirdly. I pull my notebook out and start to take notes, when a paper falls onto my desk.

'Why were you late?'

I look over at Steve and quickly write a response.

'I told you, had to help my mom.' I hand him the paper. I hear him groan followed by the sound of pencil scratches. He hands me the paper back.

'Bullshit. Why were you really late?'

I sigh and drop my head onto my desk. I look over at him, and he's just watching, waiting for me to write something. Reluctantly, I pick up my pencil and write.

'Helping the kids. That and I couldn't really get out of bed.'

I pass it back, seeing his confusion. He stares at me again and quickly writes something, throwing the paper at me.

'We need to talk after class.'

I groan, but nod my head. I look back at the teacher and focus on the lesson, for the first time dreading to talk to Steve. The class ends fairly quickly, the period bell ringing loudly. I pick up my bag and rush outside.

"Sarah! Sarah wait!" Steve calls and I reluctantly stop. He catches up to me and pulls me over to a clear hall. "Alright, what happened?" He asks, holding my shoulders.

"Nothing Steve. Just another one of those days." I say quickly.

"No, why were you with those kids? What did they need?"

"Th-they needed my help with some stuff." I stutter. Obviously he sees through my lie.

"Sarah, what happened?" He asks, looking me in the eye. This was the Steve I missed. The Steve that cared, not the one that hung out with Carol and Tommy. I try to lie again, but his look makes me crumble.

"It's Will." I whisper. He looks at me with concern. "What about Will?" He asks. I sigh and look down, acting sad. I can't tell him that Will's alive, he'll think I'm crazy, but I could tell him about the body. "They found his body in the quarry." I whisper.

Steve gasps and lightly holds my hand. "I'm so sorry Sarah. Are you okay?" He asks. I nod my head, feeling guilty. No one can know. You just need to get this over with. "I don't know. I just feel kind of numb." I say, finally looking at him. He looks down at me and pulls me into a hug. It feels nice, but it just makes me feel guilty. Maybe someday I can tell him.

After a while, I pull away from him. He looks sad, but it quickly goes away. "I need to get to class." I whisper, stepping away. He nods and waves goodbye. I wave as well and walk away, but I have to catch myself suddenly. My head is throbbing, as if it were being split in two. I have to quickly rush to the nearest bathroom. I run in and lean my hands against the sink, looking at my reflection. I'm really pale and my nose is bleeding. What the what?!?

I wipe away the blood and splash some cold water on my face, my hands shaking. My headache is getting worse. My hands start to heat up as I lose control. All I hear is sizzling next. I quickly retract my hands, feeling them overheating. My hands are bright red. I look down at the sink, seeing two hand-shaped scorch marks. Shit! How did I lose control?!

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