How Could You Not Know!?

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Sarah's POV

"Dustin, what's going on?" I ask, climbing out of my car. He looks panicked, his curly hair sticky out in every direction. He's breathing heavily. He's wearing a bunch of padding, like an umpire in a baseball game.

" cat." He pants.

"Your cat?!?" I exclaim, rushing over to him. "How did he eat your cat? Mews is like three times his size." I ask, throwing my hands into the air. "He grew!"

I put my hands out, one on his shoulder, and look him in the eye. "How big did he get?"

"To the size of Mews." How in the hell? It could literally fit in the palm of my hand, now it's the size of a cat? What is this thing? I take a deep breath, calming my mind. "Dustin, where is Dart?" I ask.

"In my room."

"You mean the thing that ate your cat is still in the house?!" I exclaim. He starts to stutter, trying to come up with an explanation.

He starts to panic even more, making me worried. "I don't know what to do! I told Mom that Mews ran away, what am I going to tell her when she doesn't find him?!"


"What if Dart gets bigger and he eats something else?! What if he eats a person?!"


"I'm so screwed! I kept a monster in my room and now it's gonna eat everyone!"


"What?!" He yells, tugging on his already crazy hair. I pull his hands out of his hair and try to get him to calm down.

"Dustin, breathe. I'll help you get rid of Dart. You don't need to panic. I'll help you with everything, okay?" I reassure him.

He stares at me and he seems to calm down. He nods and grabs my arm, pulling me into the house. "Do you have your bat?" He asks, walking over to the fridge. He opens it and pulls out a pack of ham.

"No, I think Steve has it." He looks over at me and looks at my hands. "You can use your powers, I guess." He walks over to the hallway leading to his room, and I wait for him at the entrance.

He lays down a trail of ham, starting from his bedroom all the way to the door. He hands me the rest of the ham. "Make a trail leading to the cellar. I need to get a few more supplies." He says before running off.

I follow his instructions and make a trail of ham all the way to the cellar. Didn't think this was how my day was gonna be spent.

By the time I get to the cellar, there's no more ham in the pack. I sit on the only closed cellar door, throwing the pack into the cellar, and look up at the sky. I seriously need to figure out what the hell is happening to me.

I bring my left hand up in front of my face. I curl my pinkie and ring finger, letting my middle and pointer fingers bend back a little. I breathe out my nose slowly.

I feel a cold feeling go up my arm. That's new. Even with water, it's always a warm feeling. I stare at my arm, feeling the coldness pool in the palm of my hand. My veins are bright blue. Do they always do this?

I shake my head and focus on getting the feeling out of my hand. Water starts to shoot out of my hand, like a fountain. I shape the water, forming it into a ball. It almost looks solid, but if anything touched it, it would burst like a bubble.

Suddenly, a door slams open. I jump in suprise, popping the bubble by accident. Lucky for me, the water mainly stays in my hand, but some splashes onto my shirt.

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