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The world around us slowed as Uti ruminated over her reply and the chatters of the school pupils quieted like they were also waiting for her approval. When her response came, it was muffled but I heard it - that one-word syllable that made my heart cease its pounding and resume its usual rhythm.

A grin found its way to my lips and my fingers balled into a fist, eager to be pumped into the air but I shook that urge off, settling for a dig of my nails into my palm. Excitement coursed through me like a teenage boy that was about to be deflowered and I missed my step twice before we got to my car.

One foot stepped on the gas pedal and the car engine purred softly, lunging the Brabus forward with enviable speed. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Uti hurry to put on her seat belt and I barked out a burst of short laughter; I wasn't even above the speed limit yet.

Images upon images of various eateries drifted in and out of my mind, half of which I had gone to with different women.

"Where would you like to eat?"

Her eyelids fluttered open and she muttered, "anywhere nice. I'm sure you have something figured out."

It was the way the words were spoken, soft yet laced with hidden meanings that had my doubts rising and my fingers drumming against the steering wheel.

A peek at my wristwatch showed that we had spent five minutes already. "Happy Food. Wakkis. Axari. Chillis Cafe. Sugar and Spice. Choose your pick."

"I haven't been to any of them," she murmured, leaning further into the passenger seat, "surprise me."

Anxiety reared its head at her words, wishing me luck as he danced on one of my shoulders. Impressing a lady wasn't supposed to be this difficult but with Uti, things were never as they were with other females.

Steering the wheel in the direction of the canteen, I eased the car into the only space in the garage; for my sake, I hoped she had a sweet tooth.

Uti's door opened before I got a chance to do it for her and she gingerly got out, denying me the opportunity of playing the role of a gentleman. Her phone dangled in her hands, a reminder that her number was still missing from my contact list; everything was different with her.

She went ahead of me while I locked the car doors then attempted to open it again, only rest assured when it stayed locked. Patting my pocket to confirm my valuables were intact, I made to turn when I was rudely interrupted by a short man.

"Yes?" My annoyance was barely concealed and I could see Uti tapping her feet on the ground, one hand on her waist with a frown decorating her face.

"You no know me again?" He asked, widening lips that told of his relationship with cigarettes.

Who are you?

"Na me oo. Bros for your street that year," he continued when the look of puzzlement didn't disappear from my face.

As if to jog my memory, he stretched his arms out, crossed them at the wrist then widened his legs slightly before launching into a graceful half-gallop. "It's me oo, shaku shaku master."

"You've got the wrong person," I managed to stutter out, making random gestures with my hands that I hoped Uti was able to interpret. His whole appearance made me uncomfortable: his unkempt hair, bloodshot eyes and the faint smell of alcohol -like he hurriedly brushed his teeth- that polluted the air each time his mouth opened.

The familiarity with which he spoke made the hairs on my arms stand; even worse was the fact that he was blocking my way out.

"Is everything okay?" Uti's voice was like a dream come true.

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