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A sharp cry pierced through the stillness of the dark room. The lady under the covers tossed and turned, willing the sound to cease. She plugged her index fingers into her ears in hopes to drown out the noise and on cue, the baby's cries grew louder. Her eyelids fluttered open, a groan slipped from her lip as she kicked the duvet off her body.

Her breasts were heavy, her nipples hurt from breastfeeding the little noise maker in his cradle. She flicked the bedside lamp on and light flooded the room, casting a soft glow on the face of her handsome husband who slept all through their baby's cries.

His gentle snores permeated the air and it irked her. How could he still be asleep with his baby on a mission to ruin her night?

She tapped her husband's shoulder, shook him until his snores ceased to ring out and he was rubbing the back of his hand against his eyes. "King, your baby is awake."

King heard her loud and clear but the words had not registered yet. He drifted in and out of consciousness, the rest of the sleep in his eyes clearing once the baby cried out again. He groaned, his shoulders sagged and screamed in protest as he moved into a sitting position. His whole body ached, he was tired and functioning on little to no sleep.

His feet met the ground right as his wife moved over to the baby's cradle to carry King Junior. Uti muttered soothing words into his tiny ears and at the sound of his mother's voice, King Junior quieted down. She rocked him from side to side, taking tentative steps towards the bed so she could breastfeed him.

The baby latched onto her tender nipples and she winced as he began to suckle hungrily like he had not been fed in days. King's hand went to the small of her back, she tensed and relaxed as he began drawing random shapes to ease some of the tension in her shoulders.

She leaned into him, her shirt bunched at her chest to allow the baby better access to the source of his milky meal. A warm feeling spread throughout her chest, a tiny smile tugged at the corner of her lips when a yawn slipped from her baby and his tiny limbs stretched. He was full already and it was only a matter of minutes, if they were lucky, two hours before he cried out for food again.

"Next time, I want a baby who doesn't cry," King muttered into her ear and she giggled.

It warmed his heart to see that she wasn't immune to his teasing yet and his lips curled into a heart-melting smile. He loved her dearly and was grateful for this gift she had given him.

His eyes crinkled as he took the baby from Uti so she could adjust her shirt. He poked a finger into his baby's cheek whose eyelids parted to reveal eyes the same colour as his mother. King grinned and his baby offered him a toothless smile. He chuckled and pursed his lips, shaking his head as he made funny faces at his son. He could never get over the sight of those pink, toothless gum.

"Next time, you will give birth to the baby yourself," Uti retorted while rubbing the back of her husband's head. She cooed at their child, bopping the nose of the child who gazed lovingly at his father.

A yawn escaped her lips. "You can put him in his crib." Her voice grew stern as she continued, "Don't wake me up, it's your turn."


Uti cut him off before he could continue. "No buts, it's your turn. I get him in the morning." Her face softened when she saw his lips pull into a frown. She pinched his cheek and pouted. "Besides, he's answering your name."

King Emmanuel Daniels, born on a hot Friday afternoon giggled. His lips puckered and he blinked like he could tell his parents were talking about him. He was a quiet, little baby who only cried when it was time to feed, bath, poop and change the diapers.

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