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The door to my office flew open and I jumped from my seat, nearly throwing my phone down in the process. I heaved a sigh of relief on seeing the face of the beautiful female who just waltzed in and a smile took over my feature as her eyes lit up, matching the excitement I felt to be graced by her presence. Her hips swayed from side to side with each step she took forward and her lips curled into a sultry smile. My woman.

Closing the distance between us, I slipped an arm around her waist, inhaled her womanly scent before my lips came down on hers in a chaste kiss. "Next time, knock."

Uti drew her head back to say, "I did, twice."

My head tilted to the side as if to confirm her statement and she giggled like we were not chatting moments before she decided to show up without notice. I loved the surprise visit, I was looking forward to more of it.

"I missed you," I murmured against her mouth and she responded by pulling my lower lip in between her teeth. I chuckled, she was learning and that gave me great joy.

A satisfied sound left my lips when she bit into them and her leg began moving up and down the side of my hip. I cupped her butt and she moaned, giving me a chance to take over the kiss. Uti melted in my arms as our kiss deepened into something more erotic, her soft, feminine curves pressed against the mass of muscles that was my body.

We were hungry for each other, it showed in the way we explored our lips, biting and sucking on the sensitive flesh. I staggered backwards until my legs hit the front of my desk then we pulled apart for a moment to allow me to scatter kisses all over her nose, cheeks and everywhere I could without the use of my hands. Still, I wanted to do more.

Uti took her seat on the edge of my desk, I bopped her nose and she giggled, she was cute. Her slender fingers splayed on my chest stopped me from leaning to give her another kiss and I grabbed both of her hands only to have her turn her face away.

A disgruntled groan escaped my lips and she shook free from my grip, pulling me by the arms so I could come to stand between her legs. I frowned, I have been sitting in my office all day, with the AC and laptop for company, well, she sent texts constantly but I deserved to hold, touch and kiss her for as long as I wanted. It has been a hectic day.

Placing my hands on either side of her, I asked, "How did you get in?" This was her first time in my office and I didn't get a call from the security team prior to her arrival.

"Through the doors," Uti replied in between giggles. Her fingers found their way into my beards, she tugged on them and winked.

My eyes narrowed when they strayed to her lower lip which she had sunk her teeth into and I groaned, such a simple action was not supposed to make my trousers tighter. Hell. She was not allowed to look this sexy without even trying, my sweet, beautiful Uti.

"You should have called me to pick you up," I murmured and straightened up without breaking eye contact. My nose scrunched, I frowned. "How come they let you in?"

"I wanted to surprise you," Uti replied and stood with her arms around my waist. I let out a small laugh when she stuck out the tip of her folded tongue, that was new. Her voice lowered to a whisper, "They let me in because I bribed them, I give good bribes."

The shock was evident on my face and she took that chance to sashay past me. Security here was tough, there were protocols meant to be observed before a guest was let in. Visitors were only ever allowed free reign to roam after the guards or receptionist had received a call or text from whoever they claimed to be visiting. I didn't get any of that and my head angled to the side at the thought of Uti offering them bribes. What sort of bribes could she have given them? 

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