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Rain pattered on the roof and window, the rhythmic sound interrupted by a loud clap of thunder which illuminated the grey sky. The AC was off, windows were closed but the cold that had settled in the dining room had us putting on an extra layer of clothing.

There was silence for a while, then another clap of thunder in the distance followed by the sound of the rain as it hit the roof with more intensity. Emma flinched, his eyes moved from my laptop screen to the window and he stuck out his bottom lip.

Tears welled in Emma's eyes as lightning struck, his lips trembled and I rubbed his head to soothe him. Esther spared us a look, unaffected by the weather and I stood to close the curtains, blocking our view of the outside world. It was raining cats and dogs.

This was Uti's favourite weather, minus the thunder and lightning. I didn't have any favourites, any one was fine by me so long I remained safe and dry. I took a deep breath then returned to the dining table to occupy the empty seat beside Emma.

A peek at my laptop showed how much time had passed since Uti chased me out of the kitchen for breaking a plate. She didn't only chase me out, she banned me from coming into her kitchen. Me, the greatest of all time and the best cooking companion.

It was an accident but she didn't want to hear it. She was the cause, those soft lips that I couldn't get enough of. Did she expect me to ignore her sexy self in my shirt? I shook my head and smirked. No way, what she needed was more of my shirts with no bras underneath and more kisses.

In a way, I was glad she didn't listen to me, I couldn't fry plantain, I couldn't do anything that closely resembled cooking except eat. I could eat her out too. I groaned and shifted in my seat, the thoughts of what I could do to her was already making me hard.

"Do you like that one?" I asked Emma in a bid to distract myself, he was my new shopping assistant. He shook his head, then I pointed to another set of rings that were displayed on my laptop screen. "This one?"

Emma responded in the negative, his tongue darted out of his lips and he shook his head. I nodded, pointed to the next ring and repeated my question only to get the same response. I pinched the bridge of my nose, realising how difficult it might be to get a ring that all three of them would love.

"Do you want to see?" I asked Esther who was sitting opposite Emma and me with my iPad in her hand. We were waiting for food.

She dropped the iPad on the table, glared at me before coming to sit on my left. I fought back a smile, keeping a straight face as she angled the laptop in her direction. Baby steps, we were getting somewhere. She has to dislike me less with those hits to my face.

Sparing a look at her, I scoffed and crossed my legs under the table. Her slim frame betrayed the strength she truly possessed, just like her mother. There was so much energy packed into each shot she fired at me. I couldn't wait for us to get along.

Fantastic five would love her, Junior would take her under his wing. Since he already loved hitting me, she would be a great addition to his team. I smiled. It was only a matter of time, I would have her in my corner, the same way I had Emma and Uti.

Since Uti already told me, I knew the angry shots fired were as a result of all the time I was spending with her mother. But she was getting it all wrong. I wasn't taking Uti from them, I wanted to share her with them, be a part of their small family, possibly enlarge it too. If only Uti would agree to move in with me so we could start making babies.

Perhaps this proposal would convince her.

"This one," Esther murmured, "it's pretty."

I followed her finger to the screen where a diamond stone ring was displayed. It was simple and pretty, exactly the type of ring Uti would pick out for herself. I smiled at Esther's choice and nodded in approval but Emma shook his head then pouted.

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