1: We meet again

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As every morning I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock. I got up and did my morning routine I went down to eat something for breakfast. I saw my mom, dad, and brother there already eating. "hi mom good morning" I told her "hi sweety come sit and eat some food". Let's recape hi my name is y/n I am a high schooler I have a past I want to forget I am 16 years old my hobbies are to draw, listen to music, and dance.

Most people may think I am a rude person or a bitch but I don't care I used to be a leader of a gang but I left so now I am here. I changed my looks but I am still the same girl on the inside. I sat down at the table "hey yoongi you should take your sister to school with you" said my mom. "what why I don't want to she can take her skateboard or the bus people are going to be staring at me weirdly because of her" " no yoongi you are going to take her or I am taking away your car for a month understand" my mom told him. " fine I will take her" he turned around and looked at me "hurry up I will be waiting in the car if u don't hurry up I will leave you" with that he got up went to go fetch his backpack and car keys and waited in the car.

After a few minutes I finished eating went upstairs to get my backpack I was hoping yoongi didn't leave yet cuz I know he would leave. I said goodbye to my parents and headed out the door I still saw yoongi's car so I opened the door and got in. " finally you take forever" he started his car and we left. You might be thinking who yoongi is well let me introduced u to him yoongi is my brother we don't really get along he is 18 years old popular, rude, cool, loves basketball, handsome, playboy, and in a gang he knows the reason why I left my gang.

After a few minutes we got to school yoongi parked his car I was about to get out when he said something "hey don't tell anyone that I am your brother unless I tell you to so and act like u don't know me ok". "Don't worry I won't expose you bro and don't think I want to talk to you at school either " with that I got out of the car and headed towards the school. As I walked through the entrance I kept on hearing people just looking at me and talking it was getting very annoying but I didn't really care so I just ignored them and kept on walking.

Girl 1 "hey she's the new girl right" Girl 2 "ya but why did she just come out of yoongi's car " Girl 1 "I don't know but why is she dressed like that in all black so wierd" Girl 2 "I don't know but we should get going before we are late for class" Girl 1 " ya your right lets go".

When you got in you started to look for the office to get your schedule and my locker number. After looking around and asking some people I finally found it I walked up to the front desk and asked for your schedule. "Umm hi excuse me my name is y/l/n I am the new student I came to get my schedule" I told the young lady in front of me. "Ah yes just give me a minute" then she left to go get my schedule a few minutes have passed now she came back with a paper in her hand. "I am sorry for making u wait" she said "nah it's okay don't worry" "well here is your schedule and locker number I already told your homeroom teacher that she will have you, and that if your late to excuse you from being late" she told me "okay thank you I will get going then bye".

I went to go find my locker A few minutes have passed I still couldn't fine my locker. "fuck why is this school so dam big" I saw a girl walking by and I asked her. " Excuse me hi can you help me find locker number 2529" "ya sure mine is next to yours come with me". I followed her "my name is lisa You must be the new girl here right" "ya I am" "well you want to be friends" "sure why not" "okay cool I will introduce you to my other friends at lunch". "Okay cool" I said "well this your locker" said lisa "thanks" "ya no problem".

Then the bell rang which meant class is about to begin "well what class do u have" she asked me "I have health class first" "really that's cool let's get going before we are late". We started to walk then we got to the classroom "oh hi you must be y/n the new student right" said the teacher "ya that's me" " well nice to meet you I am Ms. Kim can you introduce yourself to the class" said Ms. Kim "ya sure" she started to get the attention of the students in the classroom."We have a new student in our class so be quite so she can talk" she gave me a signal that I can go ahead and talk "hi my name is y/n I hope we can get along if we don't then just don't mess with me" "okay you may go take a seat next to jungkook, jungkook raise your hand" I saw a boy raise his hand which I am guessing is jungkook.

I went towards him and sat down on my seat, I turned around to look at him I couldn't believe who I am seeing it's JEON JUNGKOOK. He turn around to look at me I was really hoping he won't recognize me but I was wrong.

"Hi y/n long time no seen".

To be continued....

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