2: Confusing

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"Hi y/n long time no seen".

Now I am in the cafeteria waiting for lisa to get her food after a while of waiting we were now walking toward her table. When we got there I sat down and she started to introduce me to her friends. There were 3 girls sitting and staring in front of me.

"so y/n this is Rose" pointed to the girl with blonde hair "Jennie" to the girl next to me "and Jisoo" with the leather jacket on. "jisoo, rose, Jennie this is y/n the new girl" said lisa "hi I hope we can be friends" I said to them "hi ofc we can be friends said jisoo. After a while I was talking and getting to know them better I felt that someone was starting at me from far away but I just ignore it either way.

Jungkook pov:

I was sitting at the table with the guys they were talking and laughing but I still couldn't forget what happened earlier in class. I was sitting on my desk looking out the window when the teacher said we had a new student I didn't pay much attention until she said her name. "hi my name is y/n" after hearing that name I turned to look at her hoping it was that y/n I was thinking about. "jungkook raise your hand" my teacher told me so I raised it she was walking towards me she sat down next to me I turned around to look at her better.

It was her the same long hair, beautiful features, and the braclet I gave her but I had to confirm it to be sure it's her. "hi y/n long time no see" I told her she looked shocked for a secend but I was confused of what she said next "I am sorry but do I know you" she said " you don't remember me "no I dont I think you are confusing me with someone else" I turned around to pay attention to the teacher.

"hey jungkook hello Earth to kookie" "wait what" v was calling me "hey what's wrong what are you thinking of so much" said v "is it still about that new girl" said jimin "yea it is about her" I said as I stared at her from far away "wait she is here like in our school right now" said jimin "ya she is here" I said "really where is she at" he said as he was looking around trying to find y/n "but it was wierd when I talked to her she didn't know me" "well maybe she doesn't want to see you" said v then the bell rang. "dammit lunch is over I will just sleep in class" said yoongi

Y/n pov: the Bell rang so me and the girls got up and started walking to class "hey y/n what class do u have next" said lisa "umm I have dance class next" I told her "really we all have dance next" said all the girls together "well then let's go before we are late" I told them. After a few minutes we got to our classroom we changed out I was lucky I had some extra clothes in my backpack. When I was done I head to the dance room I saw the girls there so I went and sat next to them.

The teacher came "we have a new student can u introduce yourself " she told me after I introduced myself to the class and I started to dance to show the teacher after I was done she said "you are very good at dancing I want to see you dance with someone" "sure who is it" I said the teacher called a boy he came over next to the teacher "this is j-hope the best dancer in this class" she said "hi I am j-hope but you can call me hobi if you want" he told me "okay I am y/n nice to meet you" I said. After that we danced once we were done the bell range so I went to change and headed to my next class.

The rest of the day passed by quickly it was mostly boring I was now on my way home when I got home I changed into some comfortable clothes and watched some k-dramas on the t.v. I got myself some snacks it was getting to the good part by now, and I was so into it "come on go after her don't leave her yes that right go wait what what the hell are you doing no No No" I was screaming at the tv that I didn't even hear the door bell ring untill "hey y/n go open the door before they brake it open" scream my mom from upstairs. "Okay fine I am going just chill" I walking over to the door and opened it "damm took you long enough to open the door" he said "listen here it's open so wh- as you look at him where shocked was I see a ghost I thought but I said

"what are you doing here and how did you find where I live".

To be continued.....

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