3: Survival

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"What are you doing here and how do u know where I live".


I am now sitting on my couch and talking to him I have so many questions to ask him let's recape to a few minutes ago.

"hi long time no seen cuz" he said "ya long time sehun, how are u alive I thought u died that night" I asked "ya I know he shot me but when u guys left and before the cops came there was a kid there with a dog and he helped me" said sehun "wait what a kid why would a kid be there out of all places" I told him.

"I know it sounds wierd but just let me tell u what happened after u guys left" said sehun "okay go on and talk" I said

Let's go back to 2 years ago
Sehun pov: now me and my team are in the warehouse fighting and shooting the other gang that kidnapped y/n we have to find her before they do anything to her.
"hey kai, d.o., and baekhyun you guys stay in charge while I go find y/n" "okay we will" they answered back "suho and chenyeol come with me" I told them.

"yes sehun" they answered with that we went to go fine y/n we checked every room until we got back to the warehouse basement. "hey sehun this door is locked I think she might be in there" said baekhyun "really let me see" after listening to me they moved away and I was banging on the door saying "y/n are you in there are u okay can you hear me" "don't come in leave it's a trap please go away just lea-" before she could say anything else we hear someone telling her to be quiet.

Since y/n doesn't listen he starts beating her. I was now banging at the door like a madman "hey suho get the gun and shot the lock so I can open it" "yes sehun" said suho before I know it the door opened and I ran straight in side but just a second later I ended up on the ground when I checked to look I was bleeding from my chest and stomach "HYUNG!! " The guys screamed "I'm okay first go get y/n out of here now hurry go" I told them.

They ran to y/n and untied her from the pole that she was tied to. While they where getting her out I was trying to see who shot me and I turned around to see someone running and that someone was the leaders younger brother the next one to lead the gang. "Hey sehun it's going to be okay don't close your eyes stay with me please please " y/n told me "I am sorry it's my fault I am really sorry I am so sorry oppa"she said while she was crying trying not to choke on her own words.

"It's okay I will be fine" I told y/n "guys take her out of here now go on" "but hyung what about you we can't leave you here" baekhyun told me "it's okay I will be fine I will meet you guys in the future take good care of my cuz y/n okay" I told him "yes sehun I will I promise" and with that they got going I was about to lose my consciousness when I was able to see a kid that looked like he was 16 or 15 years old with his dog and then I blacked out.

The next morning I woke up in a unfamiliar room I tried to get up but I felt a strong pain go though my body. Soon after a few minutes someone came in the room with a tray of food "I see you're awake" said the boy "where am I and who are you"I asked him "ah yes sorry let me introduce myself I am soobin "okay but why am I here" "well your here cuz you got shot and I was the one that found you I wasn't going to leave you and let you die out there" soobin answered.

"Well thanks for letting me stay here but I have to get going now" I told him "I see but you can't go you are injured so you have to stay until you recover" soobin told me "true so I will stay here for a while and then I will leave but is it okay if I can use your phone so I can make a call" I asked "ya sure Let me go get the phone" after that a few minutes passed and he came back with a phone and gave it to me. I made a call to one of my hyungs to tell them that I was okay and still alive but what they told me next was unexpected.

Back to present y/n pov:
After he told me everything I was shocked and very great full to soobin or who ever he was for saving my cousins life. Me and sehun started talking again and catching up on things after a few hours he left since he was living with his friends. After he left I finished watching my k-drama I checked the time it was 9:18 "it's still early I am take a shower and sleep" I told myself I did my night routine and put on my favorite pajamas I put the alarm for tomorrow I go into my cozy bed and being able to dream well.

Before I could doze off to sleep I heard my phone ring saying I got a message I got my phone to check what it says and what I read left me terrified "y/n you can't run away from your past where ever you go it will find you and so will I"

To be continued......

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