Chapter 7-Dragon's Head Rush

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One Year Later




No other days in Yokohama underground society produced as many corpses as those 88 did.

Many organizations were involved in that bloodbath.

The Dragon Head Conflict.




It has been far too many days of war. I was bruised and bloodied but I was not defeated. My brother, Sakunosuke or Odasaku (as Dazai liked to call him), gave me hope well... along with Chuuya and Dazai of course! The boys still didn't get along but it was better as the year progressed.

Tonight the conflict would end and I could go back to the holding cells to torture people instead of having to fight people to death. I was running alongside my brother, guns in our hands, as we swiftly slid around a corner into the open. There were so many corpses lying on the ground, I almost wanted to puke.

"This is sickening." Odasaku says taking in the scene.

"Agreed." I mumble placing a hand over my mouth to make sure I didn't actually vomit.

"Corpses, no matter which way I look." He mutters before perking up at the sound of a child's cry. I follow after my brother who goes towards the noise. A child laid in the arms of her dead parents beside an overturned car. Kneeling down, Odasaku puts his gun away before sitting the child upright. "You're lucky to be alive in this situation."

"Aw! She's so cute!" I exclaim, bending down beside my brother. I reach out and calmingly pet her head.

"Odasaku." Dazai says speaking through an earpiece.

"Dazai. Where are you?" Odasaku speaks worriedly.

"I have a feeling I know what you're up to, but you two need to run. It's not going to be safe there for long."

"Tell him that we can take care of ourselves." I pout, crossing my arms over my chest and standing up. I hear a vehicle coming up behind us and ready myself. "And that's my cue." I sigh knowing that it's Chuuya.

"Piss off, scrub." Chuuya exclaims from the earpiece as he zooms by slinging me onto his motorcycle.

"Stay safe, brother!" I wave as Chuuya speeds up.

"Hi, Chuuya. You're in range of the enemy." Dazai speaks through Chuuya's earpiece. "Take some bullets and die, thanks."

"Shut up." Chuuya grumbles.

"Ne! Dazai I'm with Chuuya right now. Do you want me to die also?" I pout speaking into my earpiece.

"Little rose, of course not! We'll be dying together in a double suicide!" Dazai responds cheerily.

"We never talked about—" I start but am cut off by balls of lightning being launched at Chuuya and me, who swiftly dodge them on the motorcycle.

"Dang gifted." Chuuya grumbles spotting our attacker.

"I hate him already." I state as the attacker launches a larger attack at us, in which Chuuya uses his ability to send us into the air and attaches us to the side of the building. We were literally driving on the side of a building!

"He thinks he's the shit." Chuuya says before dodging more attacks and landing us on the same roof as the attacker. The attacker sends lightning at us as we skid sideways on the motorcycle but we're able to dodge.

"It would have been more amusing if you'd been struck by lightning and killed." Dazai says as he sits handcuffed in front of the enemy.

"Shut it, Dazai." Chuuya says expelling the smoke around us with his ability.

"You boys need to stop this, we're in battle." I huff, placing my hands on my hips.

"You're five minutes late." Dazai states as he takes out his captor. He stands up and walks over to us. "Because of that, I got smacked three more times than I needed to." He says directing his words towards Chuuya.

"I might as well finish you off." Chuuya replies and I jab him in the ribs with my elbow.

"No more talk of dying tonight, please." I plead with both of them, walking to be in between them.

"I'm not the one you need to kill." Dazai remarks before snapping his fingers, causing his handcuffs to break and fall off. We were then surrounded by a bunch of enemy men that pointed their guns at us.

"Look at all this trash." Chuuya announces glancing around.

"Clean it up, please." Dazai asks before wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me close. "You're prepared for this, aren't you?" He wonders resting his head on my shoulder, looking at Chuuya.

"Come to think of it, I have a debt to repay you." Chuuya says building up his energy before expanding it, sending a wave of power outward destroying everything around us on the rooftop. After the smoke clears Dazai grabs my hand and we walk away with Chuuya to confront the real enemy.


The three of us stand outside a stained glass room. From the door opening, I could make out a man sitting in a chair dropping jewels into a small trashcan fire. He kept repeating the words 'It'll be mine.' and 'It won't be mine.' yet he still dropped each and every jewel in the fire.

"Those jewels are all real." Dazai observes. "He could have made a woman really happy."

"Sure he could." I mumble. "If he was sane, maybe."

"It won't be mine." The man says dropping the now empty bag of jewels in the fire. He then intertwined his hands resting his elbows on his knees and then placing his chin on his fingers. "It's not much fun seeing these readings come true. Starting an organization hasn't helped me get what I want."

"Give me back my friends." Chuuya speaks up catching the man's attention.

"Welcome, boring guest."

"I'm not boring." I frown. "Right?" I question tugging on Dazai's sleeve. He just smiles down at me and pats my head.

"Of course not, little rose." Dazai replies and I smile back at him.

"I don't expect you to give me what I desire." The man states with no emotion what's so ever. "Die now, as they did." He says creating fog. "All your friends killed themselves. Boring people are boring, even in death."

"You..." Chuuya growls his true power, Corruption, appearing because of his anger. "Don't stop me." He tells Dazai.

"Oh, dear." Dazai says as the wind picks up around us. "Corruption, huh?" He tugs me close to him as Chuuya unleashes his unearthly power. The three of us were going to survive this, the other guy, not so much.




It's short but there's not much to go on for this "flashback" scene. And Odasaku has joined us finally!

Updates every Sunday

Hope you enjoyed :)

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