Chapter 12

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After placing Maze on the bed to sleep, I go to the living room, plopping myself on the couch while scrolling through my previous conversations with Jimin.

-1 week ago-

Y/n: Jimin, can I ask you to pick Maze up since my meeting will take longer than I thought?

Jimin: yes sure. I'll bring her over to my place, and when you are done, you can come and pick her up from mine.

Y/n: Thanks >.<

Jimin: No worries ^-^

I smile at the memory. I remember after my meeting, I saw the messages he spammed my phone because Maze's teacher didn't want to give Maze to Jimin since she didn't receive any word from me, stating that someone else will pick Maze up.

Jimin: They don't want to give me Maze. What should I do?


Jimin: I think you need to change Maze's school since they are stupid and dumb. Can't they see how alike Maze and I look -_-?

Jimin: okay I know you are at a meeting and everything, but THEY ARE DAMN STUBBORN.

Jimin: Y/n to be totally honest MAZE NEEDS TO START CALLING ME DAD. People think I'm here to kidnap her.

I laugh out loud not feeling the tear which escapes my tear duct, but after a second from feeling its existence, I quickly rub it away while continuing to read more.

Jimin: Thankfully after like bribing one of the teachers, I finally got Maze with me. We'll be waiting for you.

I scroll a little more reading another bunch of messages we exchanged 4 days ago.

-4 days ago-

Jimin: One of my colleagues at work is celebrating his child's 8th birthday today, and I was thinking if you won't mind me asking you and Maze to come along.

Y/n: Maze will be more than glad to come. Also, she has a surprise for you.

Jimin: Oh! That 2 years old child has a surprise for me? Wow, I'm intrigued.

Y/n: xD Just tell me the place and time.

Jimin: I'll only stick with telling you the time to be ready for me to pick you and Maze up. How does that work for you?

Y/n: I won't mind, you know.

Jimin: Okay awesome. See you at 6 PM.

Y/n: Yes, see you.

I recall Jimin leaning against the car, waiting for both Maze and I. I remember Maze running up to him while yelling "Papa". I remember him standing in shook and a wide smile quickly replaced the shocked expression his face was holding.

I remember him carrying her and hugging her tightly. I remember him thanking me sincerely when we rode the car with innocence filling his eyes. I remember my shy nod.

I also remember feeling my heart beating a little faster for a mere moment when he thanked me.

-3 days ago-

Jimin: would you like to have dinner with me today?

Y/n: Yeah Maze'll be excited to meet up with you.

Jimin: Hmm- No I meant you. Only the 2 of us that if you don't mind.

Y/n: I can't leave Maze alone, you know.

Jimin: then I'll pick both of you up and leave Maze at my place with my wonderful friends while we go eat.

Y/n: Won't they feel bothered?

Jimin: No not at all. They actually enjoy her company so no need to worry about that.

Y/n: Okay. When will you pick me up?

Jimin: 7 PM, maybe!

Y/n: fine by me.

I smile, remembering his sweet little gestures when we went out. He opened the car's door for me, making my heart flutter. He opened the restaurant's door for me, saying "Ladies first" with a stunning smile painting his face. He pushed the chair for me to sit.

He was well mannered and a gentleman. I suddenly chuckle when I remembered him forgetting his phone again and went to wash his hands. His phone kept buzzing, a storm of messages was overwhelming his phone, so I curiously held it and read those messages which were actually his friends giving him instructions.

What was funnier was the name of the group 'How to be a gentleman.' I didn't notice that I laughed out loud until I felt Jimin's eyes on me. I looked up at him and handed him his phone.

"Your friends are funny."

"Don't speak about what you read," he said with a poker face, trying to hold in his embarrassed face.

"Okay," I said sternly, but we both suddenly burst into a fit of laughter.

When I went back home that night, I kept thinking about him. He is someone every woman wishes to have. He is someone gentle, caring, beautiful, and mostly breathtaking.

I concluded that night that Jimin is someone I wish for overtaking his heart and mind, but-

But I know there is no use. This all is- is just nonsense.

Yes, it's all just nonsense. He came into my life because of the mere existence of Maze. If she wasn't there, Jimin wouldn't have even spoken to me in the first place.

I sigh and get up to bring my laptop in order to see if I have more work to do. I place the laptop on my lap and turn it on.

I have multiple emails and some due dates, but an interesting email subject grabs my attention. Therefore, I open it and read it thoroughly.

"I think I need to speak with Jimin about this."

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