Chapter 13

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"YOU SAID WHAT! No use. Are you stupid?" Jin-hyung scolds me while I stand in front of him with furrow eyebrows.

"Yes, It is of no use because even if I fell in love with her, she'll never love me. Hyung! I'm just the father of her child. The only reason she is seeing me because she feels guilty and worried that Maze might grow up without a father," I state, trying to make him comprehend my situation, but all that gain from him is a loud huff and a harsh hit on my head. "Awe it hurts," I whine.

"You deserve to be butchered not just hit over the head. Listen there chicken-"


"Yes, a chicken. You know what! It's an insult to the chicken because it's more useful than you. Anyway, you need to apologize. Do you understand?" He warns me while crossing his arms to make it clear for me that he is not joking.

I sigh and nod, then leave to my room, seeing Taehyung sitting on his bed probably waiting for me to scold me as well. I roll my eyes at the thought and at the same moment I close the door, he speaks, "You know you are dumb."

"Save me the scolding. I already have a headache from hyung." I take my phone and sit on my bed with my back resting on the headboard ready to scroll through it.

He scoffs and turns his back to face me while uttering, "pig." I roll my eyes and ignore him then open up the chats Y/n and me exchanged.

Damn it! The whole chat is just me flirting with her; she 100% misunderstands my intentions. I sigh and when I'm about to put back my phone on the nightstand, the phone rings with Y/n caller ID. I suddenly panic and sit properly, making the bed creak a little which made Taehyung turn to look at me. "What is it?" He asks.

"She is calling me," I look at him dumbfounded.

"Who is SHE!"

"Y/n, dumbass," I roll my eyes at his stupidity while directing back my attention at my ringing phone.

He lets out an 'Ah' sound and looks at me wondering, "Aren't you gonna reply?"

"What! Yeah yeah, I will," I quickly take the call and clear my throat. "Hello! Did you go home safely?" I ask softly, trying to lure her.

She hums and takes a deep breath, saying "I'm calling to tell you something important since it includes Maze."

"What!" I suddenly panic. "Did something happen? Is she sick?" I ask one question after the other without giving y/n time to answer.

"No, Maze is sleeping peacefully. It's something involving my work."

"Okay speak up, I'm listening."

"I received a very good transfer offer from work."

"Oh! Congrats to you. Are you calling me to tell me the new address?" I ask light-hearted.

"My new address will be in London."

Suddenly my heart sinks hearing the place she is going to, but I try my best to sound calm, "For how long?"

"It's a long term contract."

"Are you saying you are gonna live there?" I emphasize my words slowly for her to notice the discomfort in my voice. "You will surely take Maze with you which means that I won't be able to see her like I'm used to," I continue, but I don't receive any words from the other line.

"Are you planning on leaving because of what I said to you earlier?" these words come out in almost a whisper, but she quickly declines.

"No, no. It has nothing to do with you. I just- hmm- I just have no one here so there is no harm in trying a new place, also the offer is pretty good and you can come to visit Maze," her voice trails away when she says Maze's name. "You can face time with her, and on my vacations, I can send her to visit you. It won't be a problem, right?"

I can feel her shaky voice. I can feel the fear in her voice too. Is she worried I might hold her down from going to London? If she thinks everything will be fine, I'll trust her.

"Yeah sure. There is no problem at all. When will you leave?" I happen to say that in a steady tone, but my eyes glance at Taehyung, who is mouthing me to stop, but I just ignore him and go back to the call.

"I'm expected to be there after 2 days from now."

"Then I'll have to get the most of them with Maze since I don't know when I'll see her again," she hums to my words, and we end the call. I slip my phone on the nightstand and my body on the bed.

"You know you'll regret-"

"Don't fucking tell me what to do with my life," I yell at Taehyung. My anger is already at its peak, and I don't want to make more mistakes. "She wants to leave. What do you expect me to say, huh! What do you think I should tell her? Oh please don't go because I want to stay with Maze more- because I'm God damn selfish," I say in one go.

"Jimin stop lying to yourself this is not about Maze anymore."

"You are annoying me. I'm leaving." I get up and leave the room, slamming the door behind me. I plop on the couch in the living room.

For a moment, I feel the couch sink indicating another body sitting beside me. I look beside me, seeing Yoongi- hyung. "Are you happy?" he asks


"Are you sad?"

"No, more like angry you can say," I state, crossing my arms and legs while turning my whole body in his direction to see where this conversation will lead me.

"Good. This means you care," He says those words and gets up ready to leave me.

"That's it?" I ask in surprise.

"Yes that's it, but just let me tell you something," he pauses before continuing, "Give yourself a chance to open your heart, and if you already did, go tell her. Women are tender and not everything they say is meant to be taken to the heart because sometimes they are afraid too."

He flashes me a wink and leaves me with my mouth hanging. I rest my back on the couch again, and while closing my eyes, I say "Aish! y/n what did you do to me?"

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