Chapter 1

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Don't worry, I'll still be active on my charlynch book.

Bayleys POV

I hop off the bus with my red hoodie in hand. I put in on and put the head part on my hair. I look down as I begin walking inside the school. I find my locker and stuff my books inside there.

I sneeze and pick up my book bag. Well, Hi! I'm Bayley Martinez. I have no friends, I am known as the quiet kid in the back of the class that nobody knows. There's a girl name Becky Lynch, she makes everybody laugh and makes fun of the teacher which is the only thing that makes me smile.

Becky is my crush, though she doesn't know me,  I find her kind of attractive. But, she has a girl friend, Sasha Banks, Sasha used to be my friend, but she just used my to be popular, see I used to have so many friends and I used to be every teachers  favorite student, best friend to everyone. But they all left me when Sasha broke up for me and embarrassed me in front of the whole school. I was heartbroken.

Look at me now, a lonely a depressed mess. I run to the bathroom as I'm gonna start crying. I run inside the first stall I see and start crying.

"Yeah, I'll see you later Charlie." I heard an Irish voice yell from outside approaching the stalls. I kept crying because I knew that person wouldn't care if I cried.

Becky's POV

"Yeah, I'll see you later Charlie." I yelled to Charlotte heading to the bathroom. I heard sniffling and asked whoever was there , "Lass, you alright?" . I knocked on the stall that I heard the noice from. "There's other stalls!" I heard the voice say.

I noticed how the stall was unlocked so I opened and it revealed a brown haired beauty. Woah she's beautiful but she looks sad and broken. "Are okay?" I stuttered asking. "Yeah, I'm alright. You could leave now." she spoke as she lifted her head up then froze. "What happened? You look like you've seen a ghost." I commented. "Your Becky? From chemistry class?"I nodded as I formed a small welcoming smile. I offered my hand to her so she can get up. She looked at me for a bit before taking my hand to get up. "Thanks, I'm Bayley." She spoke. "Well, nice to meet you Bayley, you have a wonderful name." I complimented as her cheeks got red. "And, um, how did I not notice you earlier since your in one of my classes." I asked. She sighed before answering, " Well, I always wear a red hoodie, and i sit in the back.". I nodded. "Now that I know who you are, wanna be friends?" I asked cheerfully.

She nodded and spoke "Sure.".  "I have English next. I gotta go." I explained. "I have English too!"she shared. "Nice, let's walk with each other." I offered. She nodded as I grabbed her hand and walked with her.

This is basically a prologue. I'm gonna end chapter 1 here. Sorry it's short but hope y'all enjoyed as much as I enjoyed writing this 💖✨

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