letting go of your own oblivion

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"Hello! ... I arrived! .... Anyone at home?" (It almost looks like there was going to be someone at home waiting for me. And you know what, it's better. I'm not in the least interested in explaining why I just arrived now, and even more with this hungover face. It looks like my parents were going believe that I didn't get drunk in any bar ... I wouldn't believe it myself.)

"At least I arrived in one piece. Who knew it was so hard to drive when you had dancing stars in your vision? Nothing to drive with the warning flash on, and at reduced speed doesn't make it easy. I even see my father screaming if he knew: BLAINE ANDERSON YOUR IRRESPONSIBLE! DON'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT EVEN! WANT TO KILL YOURSELF, DO IT! JUST DON'T RISK TO TAKE ANYONE TO YOUR IDIOT! " HUMPH ...

"Worse is that on second thought ... really! It would be very true! It wouldn't be a big loss to anyone if something happened to me, but I can't be selfish to the point of risking someone's life!" ...

"I need to be more responsible!"

"To start, let's see if you have something to eat here .... ahnnnn .... ok ... maybe a salad will help. I don't know if I can swallow anything heavier ... my stomach feels weird ... That ... a salad, but first I'm going to take a shower. Having dinner in this outfit, after staying on Mckinley's bathroom floor is not hygienic! Kurt was going to go crazy with that .... lol ... I can even imagine the tantrum by listing the number of germs that would be in me! "

(forget Kurt! Probably he wants more is for you to get some virus and die, Blaine.)

"Maybe after taking a hot shower, I feel a little better and besides the salad, I risk a soup? ... That's better! Bath .... here we go"


(Ahhhhhhh .... This water is delicious! Nothing like a hot bath to relax! I needed this! ... WUAAAAAAHHH .... I think that getting out of the shower, I'm going to take a nap before dinner ... That!)

(Well, everything that we do wrong could be washed from our body with a good shower .... ahhhh .... it would be so good if it were so easy to correct the nonsense we do!)

(It would be even easier if you weren't so stupid, Blaine! Now you are whining like a baby wanting your mistakes to be washed down the drain ... even if it were possible, you useless ... there wouldn't be enough water to wash away your shame of your acts ...)

"My God !!!! Why can't I forget Kurt ???? I don't deserve him or his love! I'm a miserable traitor!"


(Damn it ... no more bathing! I've even managed to spoil it! Let me change ... oh no! Kurt's shirt ... hmmm still has his perfume! How I love his scent! How good it was to be able to feel this perfume surrounding me ... taking care of my senses ... getting drunk ....)

"STOP BLAINE !!!! You lost the right to dream about Kurt"

(Just today ... I'm going to put this shirt on and pretend he's hugging me. Feel him with me one last time. To get ready for the audition. Then I wash and return it to Kurt ... or give it to Finn to return to Kurt. ... or at least I shove it in the bottom of my drawer so I won't be tempted to think about it again ...

Yeah ... I'll do it later! For now, let's close our eyes here a little to see if this headache goes away ... and this dizziness ... just a little ... then I'm going to have dinner ... and prepare myself a little for the audition ... and do the homework .... UAHHHHHHH .... in a little while I will do it all ... just 25 minutes .... and .... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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