the fateful audition

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Well ... I better get ready to go to the audition at Glee, all I have to do is make Artie and Finn waste their time waiting for me ... damn ... my face looks awful, and I'm not feeling very well ... patience ... a little bit of my mother's makeup on my dark circles must be enough to disguise enough.

It probably won't be any wonder, but that's what you could do in such a short time ... who told you to waste time sleeping Blaine Anderson ... doesn't seem to realize that you only interfere with the lives of others? What it took to work for the sake of Artie and Finn's work ... I'm really an imbecile ... Although I told you I didn't think I should do the musical, they insisted ... That, you coward. .. Blame your mistakes on others .... ARGHHH ... ENOUGH!

... argh ... enjoy the way to, at least warm up your voice a little, ... WOW ... I almost hit that car ... but ... but ... I didn't see him approaching ... Calm down Blaine, it was just a slip ... you are a good driver, you are just a little nervous and inattentive ... and going crazy talking to yourself! AHHHH stop talking to yourself !! ...

Finally at school ... still. I arrived early for the audition, and I don't want to go to the last class so I don't have to make up an excuse for why I just arrived now for Tina and Sam... I'm going to wait for the opening hours in the Glee club, which must be empty now ...

I had never noticed that the school parking lot was so big and far from Glee ... or I'm the one who's getting soft ... Jesus, I'm running out of breath already ... better sit down for a while ... WOW ... what dizziness is this suddenly? ...

Why is my suitcase so heavy? Don't I even remember picking up class books today? ... ahhh ... the scrapbook  I was making as a gift for Kurt ... I didn't remember him anymore ... and now it's just a reminder of the stupidity that I did, a bitter reminder of what I lost ... my friend, my love ... my reason for living in this world that has already shown that it does not care about me ...

forget it ... it was already ... I already ruined everything, there is no use dreaming about him ... I don't deserve Kurt ...

What I need to do is to grow up and be a man at least once in my life. Forget your pity party, and go and do the damn audition for the musical that's what you came here for Blaine ... Go at once and stop putting off the inevitable. His humiliation for being a useless coward. The deception is over. Today they will see what you really are ...

... take a deep breath ... forget about the headache ... forget about the upset stomach ... wow ... hold the microphone to give balance, otherwise this dizziness will bring me down ... this ... disguise. .. use the little talent you have to pretend to be part of the "show" ... take a deep breath ... it's for you Kurt ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...

... # ... but now there's nowhere to hide, since you pushed my love aside ...

I'm not im my head, hopelessly devoted to you ...

Hopelessly devoted ... to yooou ...

It was ... over. Just wait for them to tell you that it was not as they expected, thank you and I'm free to be the garbage that I am ...

Look there ... Finn can't even look at my face, and rightly so ... I hurt his brother and he still has to be civilized with me? He doesn't deserve this ...

Oh no ... no Artie, it can't be ... can't you be serious? me ... lthe perfect Danny Zuko ... no ... no ... no ...

- I can't ... I can't ...

I didin't want to let you down, but ...

Grease is a romance ...

and how can i play any of the scenes if i ruined mine?

And I don't think I would be able to play the truth Danny Zuko.

Thanks for letting me audition, but I ... I just can't ... (Don't cry, Blaine ... don't cry in front of them!)

(No Artie ... please ... don't try to help me ... I don't deserve it.)

-I do not think so. Maybe ... (swallow the cry, Blaine) ... Teen Angel ..

(breathe ... breathe) ... It's only one scene, but ...

but probably not! ...

My God ... oh my God ... once again I played a ridiculous role in front of Finn ... oh my God, can't I do something right in my life? ... oh my ... oh my ... I think I'm going to be sick ... oh ... oh ... it's all turning ... men's bathroom ... come on ... come on ... it's close ... thankfully. ... it's empty! OHHHH ......

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