Doge Streak

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Denki's POV

I walked into the building still trying to catch my breth. He probalbly went strait to his room. I'll just go check if he's there. I got up to his room and there was no awner when I knoked, not even a small noise. He probably fell asleep. I headed back to my room and layed down disapointed. 

God tomorrow is going to be so weird.I wonder why he didn't want to awnser me. Maybe he knows I like him and he doesn't want to hurt me. Or maybe..... No I'm not that lucky. I didn't sleep at all.




Goddamn, time to deal with an acward class. 

Shinsou's POV





My dad was calling me to get up. Litrally calling. "Hey dad, yeah I'm up. Ok see you later." I hung up and got ready. Not, going to school simply wasn't an option. Besides that's childish, there is no avoiding Kaminari.

What's happened to me? I'm here for 2 days and it's like I'm a totaly diffrent person. A better version though. One that's not so closed off. God this guy is really screwing over my whole sense of self. Well it's only about 8 so I should go get some food.

As the elevator headed down it stopped at 3 to let someone else on. Of corse, with my luck, Kaminari steped in. "Oh, hi Shinsou." He walked in and acted as if nothing happened. Maybe he was to drunk to remember. "So will you ever awnser my question?" Damn it, no such luck.

"So you do remember that?"Doge streak:2

"DU! how could I forge you ran away from me. And I wasn't that drunk."He shoved me slightly while laughing. Well he dosen't seem to mad luckly. "But seriosely you send me such mixed signals. Just tell me." Just then the doors opened. I left and quickly got in line. Doge streak:3

Denki's POV

OMG! Really Shinsou I just want to know, what are my chances. I got in line but there were a few people in between us. After I got my food I sat with the Bakusquad, but didn't see Shinsou anywhere. 

Class felt like agany, all that I could think about was the weird reactions to wether or not he likes me. Dose he sereiosly think I'll reject him, I mean I haven't directly told him, but I think it's clear I like him. I mean, hell, like the first time I met him I called him hot. If that dosen't give me away what will.


The bell rudly interupted my thoughts. But hey, it's food time. I'll try and find Shinsou at lunch and talk to him as long as I don't let him out of my- and he's gone already, yay. I quickly colected my things, and me and the Bakusquad went to grab lunch. It felt weird being sorronded by, a couple, and to people in love but to domb to relize it, when Shinsou wasn't around. 

When we got to the cafiteria I looked around and noticed Shinsou was at the frount of the line. Perfect now I just have to keep him in my sights.

He sat near the door away from others. Ok no where for him to hide then really. 

Shinsou's POV

Soon as the lunch bell rang I practicly ran room to avoid another confrountation from Kaminari. I hope he dosen't think I'm avioding him. I mean it hasn't even been a full day I dought it. I got in line and sat in the same spot that I had that morning. I mean then he didn't find me so seems like a good spot. 

As I'm getting anouther peice of my half of a hard boild egg in my raman I hear, "Hey, mind if I sit here, or are you still mad at me?" It was Kaminari. Caught.

"Mad? I was never mad at you. And yeah fill free." His face just lit up at this as he took his seat. Why is it when ever I let you do almost anything with me it sparks such joy?

"Thanks, man. All the lovey-dovey is hard to deal with when your not there." His face just screamed Shit even if he didn't say it out loud.

"You mean Mina and Sero litraly being a cupole, and Kirishima and Bakugo constently flirting? Yeah being the only single one when I'm not around must be hard." I let him slid on that one sense I didn't want that topic to come up again.

"Anyways the reason I thought you were mad I 'cause you seemed to avoid me this morning. I mean I couldn't find you." He looked sad. How do I explain this?

"Well I was sitting right here. Sorry." I don't want him to know why I didn't sit with him. 

"Oh whoops. But uummmm, and you don't have to awnser, but if you don't like me why did you say those things?" Doge streak:Broken

"Well...uuuhhhh it was just the acahol." Hopefully he didn't notice that I didn't drink any.

"I litraly gave you the option not to awnser, yet you chosse to lie. You know what just don't tell me." He mumbled something else, but I couldn't catch it.

"Sorry it's ju-" He cut me off before I could finish.

"I said don't awnser. If you don't tell the truth about it then it can't be that big of a deal." He made up his mind. He simply wasn't gonna hear me out. Geuss he really hates lieing, huh?

"Ok I get it. But it is a big deal. To me at least." One side of my head was saying God Hitoshi, are you really about to do this? Another was saying HITOSHI YOU IDIOT STOP!! And one was enguragging me to keep going. Oh god, what should I do?

"Then why would you lie about it?" He was clearly still slightly mad at me, but more intreged now. 

"I'm scared of what you'll do if you find out. And it's kinda stupid. Just forget it." I was chickening out. Changing the topic and explaining my self slightly was my best. 

"Ok, if you don't want to tell I won't make you. Just know, if it's importent to you it's not stupid. I won't force anything out of you, but I won't forget this." It worked.

"Thank you Kami, can I call you that?" He seemed to get happier at the nickname.

"Yeah of corse you can, I mean you have before, but thanks for asking." He gave me one of his, incredibly adorable, smiles.

Lunch continued like normal till we headed back to class. 

You thought he was gonna confess already?? No, sorry.

Remeber they only became friends 3 days ago, so nithher of them want to ruin such a new friendship. 

So more time is really what they need.

Anyway hope you enjoyed!

Have a great Day/Night

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