♡Bonus Chapter♡

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Sorry for being inactive guys 😔. To make it up I'm going to give you all a valentines day special even if I'm a couple days late.

God did you hate being on patrol.

Hate didn't even match the exact word to describe how much you DESPISED being out in the streets being told to do the simpelist of tasks.

What sucked even more was that today, specifically on Valentines Day, you were called out on patrol.

You hated how extra mushy the couples were today, it's as if they're actually trying to rub it in your face.

But, at least you're not going to be stuck in your apartment stuffing your face with chocolate like how you originally planned to spend this day.

While walking down the street, you turned your face just to see a couple sucking each others faces off, the chocolates and roses they were holding reminded you back to the days were you would share treats with friends and others. There was a drug store with a lot of Valentines treats and items that you just couldn't help but stop by because a certain someone happened to cross your mind.

A whole lot of people seemed to have been doing last minute shopping since the checkout lines were a whole lot longer than usual. You quickly grabbed as many items as you could before you were ran over by a stampede of desperate forgetful lovers.

You sighed as you looked at the lines and a stupid idea came over your head. You began to walk all the way to the front of a line, ignoring all of the commotion the people you had just cut were doing.

"Hey!" A tall, stoic man stood in front of you. "The hell do you think you're doing cuttin'? Some of us have been waiting for hours." He growled.

"I'm a hero," You showed off your hero badge. "So please step aside." You shooed him away with your hand.

The man gave you a big scowl before calling you a greedy ass bitch and stepping back in his place in line.

♡The park♡

The park was filled with a romantic aura, so big that your cheeks had began to redden as random scenarios filled your head. You felt flirtier than ever.

As you approached Garou's little shed, you pondered if you should give him his gift or if you should ditch and go eat the candy back at your place.

"You know, it's already too late, might as well just proceed." A little angle with your same face appeared on your left shoulder.

"No, no. Just ditch the man. What if he doesn't like the present. I mean, have you met the guy? Stubborn as hell." A little demon that also had your face spewed from your right shoulder. 

Am I going crazy? You questioned yourself as you worried shook your head.

"C'mon, it's Valentines Day! Garou is already lonely, why don't we do something nice and make his day?" The angle fluttered her eyelashes at the demon.

"Pfft, this motherfucker probably doesn't even know what Valentines Day is, let's just buy a fake idea from some sketchy guy and hit a bar up." The demon chuckled.

"Come on guys, shut the hell up before I actually have a breakdown."

Both imaginary creatures gave you a concerned look before looking at each other and nodding.

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