Chapter Eleven

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Art by: Clovercard on DeviantArt

As Marinette and Adrien made their way back to the parking area, they both frowned when they did not see the school bus anywhere.

That was quite unusual, since they both remembered it being parked in the exact same spot. But for reasons unknown, it wasn't there.

Marinette began to anxiously pace around in circles when she realized that they had somehow been left behind. She couldn't understand how none of her classmates or teachers had realized that two students were missing...

The blue-eyed girl anxiously felt her pockets for her phone, but immediately stopped when she remembered that she had unfortunately left it back at the hotel.

"Great... I can't believe they left us behind, and on top of it all... I left my phone back in my room! I mean how is this even possible!?" She frantically waved her hands up in the air, without looking at her friend.

Adrien gave her a sympathetic look. He too was feeling intense feelings of doubt and anxiety, but his face didn't show it.


Within two seconds, she stopped and glanced over at him. She was still trembling, but she seemed more hopeful. Hopeful that Adrien might have found a way to solve this crazy problem.


"Just relax! Stressing never solved anything-"

"I know, but we are trapped in a foreign country, with no money, and no way of getting back! I don't remember how to get back to our hotel, and I have no way of contacting anyone, because I don't have my phone with me!"

She was panicking and couldn't seem to think straight. She was almost on the verge of tears, but she quickly shook her head and deeply exhaled.

Adrien was right... Stressing never solved anything, and it wasn't going to solve this problem either.

Adrien, sensing his friend's unrelenting distress, quickly grabbed onto her arms and gently shook her.

Instantly, her big, bluebell eyes looked into his soft emerald ones. His eyes were filled with hope and sincerity, which gave her a sense of relief.

"I know you're scared. I am too. But stressing will just make it worse... Here, you can use my phone to call someone," he calmly said while handing his phone to Marinette.

She hesitantly reached for it and gave him a shy smile. She looked away, unable to meet his eyes.

"Th... Thanks..." She muttered, while taking his unlocked device.

As Marinette was about to type a number into Adrien's phone, out of nowhere the screen turned off. She gave the pianist a defeated look while showing him the black screen.

At that moment, she felt rather hopeless. She tried to relax, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.

She began to think about her parents. She was supposed to return home in a few days, but that wouldn't be happening if she couldn't even find her way back to the hotel.

They would be absolutely devastated if they received a phone call from the school, saying that their daughter had gone missing.

No... She couldn't think like that! She would find a way. There was always a way!

"I'm sorry, Marinette. I guess we really are doomed!" The blond softly chuckled as he retrieved his smart phone.

"But don't worry!" He immediately stopped laughing, when he saw his friend's worried expression. "We can just ask somebody if we may borrow their cell phone, or something-"

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