Chapter 13:

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It's been a few days after I found out my dad was murdered and Draco is still avoiding me and I’m avoiding him. At least it was dinner now and I can try and divert my brain to something else.

I walked into the Great Hall and made my way over to the Ravenclaw table. I saw my friends glance up at me but quickly looked down when I saw them look. I sighed and sat down at the end of the table. You'd really think that they'd get over everything and be my friends again but in their words I've 'betrayed their trust' and 'they can't trust me anymore.' I mean really, they talk as if they'd never kept a secret from me.

I started eating and I looked around. I noticed Draco was sitting by himself at the end of the Slytherin table and he looked stressed. His hair was a mess, his cheeks were more hollowed out-like he'd lost a lot of weight, and his skin was sickly green, making the bags under his eyes more distinct. I forced myself to look away. Why should I care if he's losing weight and looks as if he hasn't slept all year?

My eyes flickered to him once more and I saw him get up. His plate of food remained untouched as he walked out of the Great Hall. My eyes followed him until I could no longer see him. I sighed and was going to look away when I saw Harry Potter get up and follow Draco out. Shit, that can't be good.

Before I could change my mind, I followed despite the promise I had made to myself about not getting involved with anything that had to do with Draco. I had to jog to not lose them. It surprised me when I saw they walked into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I stopped on the outside, debating whether or not to turn around.

I need to stop caring about Draco's business. He's made it very clear that he wants me to stay away, that it was somehow dangerous. Though no matter how much I try, I can't get Draco out of my head. I can't stop worrying about him or thinking about him in general. Even though I hate him with a burning passion for all that he's done to me in just the last month, I can't shake the feeling of caring about him and worrying. I hate myself for caring about him, he's the worst person to get caught caring about and mixed up with. I sighed, I should go.

I turned around to leave when I heard a scream. My heart rate sped up and I ran into the bathroom. My eyes widened when I saw Draco lying on the ground in a pool of blood and water with Harry standing above him. Harry had his wand pointed at Draco but he had a shocked look on his face. Draco was covered in a bunch of small bleeding slash marks that bled through his white shirt. I ran over to Draco and knelt in the water next to him. I shook him slightly.

"Draco, Draco. Damn it, if you don't say something, I'll slap something out of you. You still haven't apologized for all the shit you put me through. Please, damn it, open your eyes" I mumbled, tears clouding my vision.

I looked up at Harry and for a minute I was madder at him than I was at Draco.

"What the hell have you done?" I shouted.

"I-I...that spell-"

"What is going on in here?"

I looked up to see Snape walking in; his robes flying behind him like a banner. He took in the scene before him and his eyes slightly widened.

"What happened?" Snape asked.

"I was just walking down the corridor when I heard I scream and I came in here to see Draco lying in a pool of blood with Harry standing over him with his wand pointed at him." I said.

Snape looked at Harry. "Where did you learn this spell?"

"I-I read somewhere." Harry stuttered.

"Give me all your school books, now." Snape snapped.

Harry slid his school bag off his shoulder and laid it next to Snape. Snape pointed his wand at Draco and said a spell. Slowly, all Draco's slash marks disappeared and he started to gain a little color back to his face. Draco's eyes fluttered but didn't open.

"Miss Taylor, take Mr. Malfoy down to the Hospital Wing while I take care of Mr. Potter." Snape said.

I nodded. I put one of Draco's arms over my shoulders and helped him to his feet. Draco leaned into me and it took all my strength to not fall over. I wrapped one of my arms around Draco's waist and the other held his chest from falling forward-it was like trying to hold up a human sized doll. Slowly we started to limp towards the Hospital Wing. I was relieved when I felt Draco start to walk a little himself, which meant that he was alive. With all that blood on the ground I wasn't sure-

"J-Jen?" Draco stuttered.

"Yeah, it's me. But don't think for a second that you're off the hook. Once you get your strength back, you will have hell to pay."

Draco breathed out a laugh. "Wouldn't expect...anything less."

I slightly smiled at that. It took us awhile before we finally made it to the Hospital Wing. We walked in and I helped Draco onto a bed. Once Draco's head hit the pillow his eyes closed again. I turned and looked around the empty Hospital Wing and called for Madam Pomfrey. After a minute she came out.

"What is it? Do you realize that it's almost curfew?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

I nodded. "Harry attacked Draco and Professor Snape told me to bring him here."

Madam Pomfrey nodded and walked over to Draco. After checking him and saying a few spells, she gave him something to drink and then turned to me.

"Mr. Malfoy should be fine, but he'll have to stay the night. So you may leave now."

I nodded. "And you said he'll be alright?"

She nodded. "Yes. Severus healed most of his slashes before he got here so after a good nights' rest he should be back to normal."

I thanked her and hesitated at Draco's bed. Madam Pomfrey left me with Draco. I stared down at him and moved a piece of hair away from his eye. Draco's eyes fluttered and I was about to pull my hand away when Draco's clammy hand grabbed my wrist. I gasped in surprise and looked down at Draco's face but his eyes were still closed.

"Jen." Draco whispered. "Don't go."

I stared down at Draco in shock, expecting him to open his eyes and laugh at me but it didn't happen. Draco's breathing slowed but he didn't let go of my wrist. I pulled my wrist out of his grip and he waved his hand around in the air, looking for me. I ran a hand through his hair and before I could stop myself I kissed his forehead. I pulled away and give Draco's hand once last squeeze before walking out of the Hospital Wing and towards the Ravenclaw common room.

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