Chapter 19:

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It's been a week since Draco and I started to date in secret. After that had happened I filled in my friends in, since they knew everything anyway, and swore them to secrecy. It was now half way through Christmas Break and I was stuck at Hogwarts. My friends had gone home to spend Christmas with their families but at least I wasn't alone. At the last minute Draco had decided to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. We'd been hanging out a lot, with no classes we could hang out when ever we wanted to. We mostly met in the Room of Requirements but sometimes we'd meet by the Black Lake. Since there weren't as many students here we didn't have to be as careful.

It was Christmas eve and I had gotten a note from Draco to meet him in the Room of Requirements and to dress nice but warm. I don't know why I had to dress warm if we were going to be in the Room of Requirements but dressed warm anyway. I dressed in a red dress, tights, black cape and black boots with a cute necklace my grandfather had given to me for an early Christmas present. I walked down to the Room of Requirements and as I turned the corridor I saw Draco, dressed in a simple but elegant black suit, standing by the door that led to the Room of Requirements. When he saw me he smiled and his eyes wandered to my outfit, drinking me in. I self-consciously pulled at the corner of my dress. Draco pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

"You look stunning, love." Draco said once we pulled away.

I smiled. "Thank you, and you look dashing yourself."

Draco smiled. "Thank you, milady. Now close your eyes."

I did as he asked and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the Room of Requirements. I felt Draco wrap his arms around my waist from behind me, holding my hands that rested on my stomach.

"Okay, open your eyes." Draco whispered in my ear.

I opened my eyes and my eyes widened. We were standing outside by the Black Lake and under the tree closest to the lake was a two person table filled with food. All the trees around us were covered with fairy lights, glowing against the night sky.

"How are we outside by the Black Lake?" I asked, in shock.

"Well I wanted to have our date out by the place we first kissed but I also didn't want to be disturbed. The Room of Requirements is supposed to become the place that you want so...I let it do it's magic."

"It's beautiful." I smiled and kissed Draco's cheek.

Draco smiled and led me over to the table. He pulled out the chair for me and I thanked him as he pushed in my chair. Draco sat across from me and we started to eat. We talked about anything that came to our heads as we ate and occasionally laughed. Once we were done eating Draco pulled something out of his jacket, a small wrapped up box.

"I know it's only Christmas eve but I wanted to give this to you now." Draco said and handed me the gift.

"I have a gift for you too." I said and pulled out a small rectangular box out of my boot.

I handed mine over and he told me to open mine first. I unwrapped the box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful bracelet of two snakes that when you put it on will look like it's wrapping around your wrist. I smiled and slipped it on.

"It's beautiful. Thank you." I said, and I swear I felt the bracelet tighten around my wrist.

"I put a spell on it so if you're ever in danger it will protect you." Draco said. "You know, if...if I'm not around to do it myself."

"Already planning on leaving me?" I teased.

Draco vigorously shook his head. "No. It's know, no one's around forever."

I leaned across the table to kiss him. "Well, if not forever I hope for a long time."

Draco smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now open up yours."

Draco nodded and opened the present I gave him. He pulled out the simple locket necklace out of the box. He smiled and before he could say anything I explained.

"It's a locket filled with all our memories together. From when you carried me out of the compartment the first time I actually really talked to you to yesterday. And don't worry, only you and I can see the memories. To everyone else it'll just look like a normal necklace. Also you can put in more memories."

I pulled out my wand and brought it to my temple. I thought about the memory right now and said a quiet spell. I pulled my wand away from my temple and saw at the end of my wand was what looked kind of like a small feather, which I knew was the memory. I put the memory on top of Draco's necklace and saw it disappear inside it. I took Draco's hands that were holding the necklace and opened the locket. Draco's eyes widened when he saw all my memories I had of us.

"There's no limit to how many memories you can put in it." I said, and let go of Draco's hand. "You can put in your own memories as well."

Draco put the necklace on and walked around the table until he was standing in front of my chair. Before I could ask Draco pulled me to my feet and pulled me into his chest.

"It's perfect. Thank you." Draco kissed me.

I smiled and kissed him back. He pulled away and laid his forehead on top of mine. He tucked a stray hair behind my hair.

"How do you always one up me?" Draco asked, a small smile tugging on the sides of his mouth.

I shrugged. "Being in Ravenclaw it's kind of our job to one up everyone."

Draco chuckled. "True. Or you're just perfect."

"Could be that to." I agreed with a smile.

Draco kissed me. "How can such a perfect girl with a prick like me?"

"It is a mystery." I agreed, giggling.

Draco chuckled. "You're with me so I must have done something right."

I nodded. "You were honest. Which is a lot to ask of you Mr. Never-opens-up-to-people-and-had-a-brick-wall-blocking-how-you-really-felt-and-it-really-pissed-me-off."

Draco laughed. "True. How did you manage to break through? Because it's a mystery to me."

"It was probably because you were so in love with me." I teased.

Draco's storm grey eyes were staring into mine. His eyes were filled with so much love and affection that it made me blush, but I knew mine reflected his.

"Probably. You were the only girl that I knew that was so passionate about everything that you worked at and it was fascinating. I guess that's how you first caught my attention. You were so stubborn and willing to do anything to get what you wanted. I admired it. Then I got to know you more and the more I learned the more I wanted to know. You were my guilty pleasure. I wanted to know anything and everything about you. The more I learned about you the more I fell in love with you. And how you always turned me down and showed no interest in me just made me want you more. All your attempts to get me away from you only brought me closer. I think that's how you slowly broke down my wall. The wall I've had up for years you just took it down without even knowing."

I smiled. "I'm glad I did. When you opened up I think that's when I found out that I was in love with you. I hated the boy with no feelings that was a prick to everyone to be cool. But I also loved him, so it was quite a dilemma. I think I saw that deep down, way down, you were actually capable of caring about someone other than yourself."

Draco smiled. "I think I learned that too. I love you so much."

"I love you too." I kissed him.

Draco pulled me closer to him and kissed me back. I felt butterflies in my stomach every time we kissed and I fell in love with him all over again, just like I do every time we kiss. 

"Stay with me." I whispered against his lips.


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