Chapter 17:

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The next day I was sad when I saw that I was right. When I walked down to the Great Hall and over to my table I looked over at the Slytherin table to see Draco was snogging Pansy.  I saw him look over at me, while still snogging, and I swear he smirked. I turned away in disgust. My friends noticed them too and they gave me a sympathetic look but it was unnecessary. I already knew that Draco was going to do that, and now it's my turn. I looked down the table and saw that Mason was sitting a little ways from me. I stood up and walked over to him.

"Hey, Jennifer." Mason greeted when he saw me.

"Hello, clumsy."

Mason laughed. "What can I do you for? Need something else poured on you? I've been told I'm really good at that."

I smiled. "No. I just need to ask you for a favor..."


Since it was a free day I went to Hogsmeade with Mason, where I knew Draco would be. Mason and I were walking hand in hand around Hogsmeade. I had told him my plan at breakfast and I was glad when he had agreed to it. I hadn't told him everything. I didn't say it was because of Draco since no one can know what's going on between us, I just told Mason that I was trying to see if this guy liked me and would be jealous if I was dating someone else. Which wasn't lying, I just didn't tell him who it was for. We just talked and laughed, our hands intertwined but it wasn't awkward. I felt like I was just hanging out with a really good friend. 

We were window shopping and I looked ahead of us and saw Draco with Pansy. Draco looked like he was ready to shoot himself as Pansy rambled on to him while pretty much hanging on his arm. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't pleased when I saw that Draco wasn't enjoying Pansy's company. Draco looked up at me and his eyes seemed to brighten then he looked at mine and Mason's intertwined hands and he glared. Draco noticeable pulled Pansy closer to him and whispered something in Pansy's ear, causing her to giggle. My jaw tightened.

"Mason kiss me." I said.

Mason looked confused. "What?"

Instead of answering I pulled Mason closer to me and kissed him hard on the mouth. He was surprised for a second but he went with it and kissed me back. In the corner of my eye I saw Draco's face start to redden. I pulled away from Mason and he had a surprised look on his face.

"Who knew that you'd be a really good kisser." Mason said.

I chuckled and smacked his arm. "I've had a lot of practice" I winked.

Mason fake gasped. "Scandalous." He said in a fake disapproving voice.

I laughed and wrapped my arm around his torso and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I looked back over at Draco and saw that he was retreating into the Three Broomsticks.

"So you never told me, who's the lucky guy? If you're anything like me then it's hard to get your attention because you are always in your own wonderland. So who finally broke through?" Mason asked.

I blinked, everything he had said going over my head. "What?"

Mason laughed. "Obviously it's not me. Are you sure there's really a guy that got your attention? Because it's really hard to get it."

"Sorry, I just saw him go into the Three Broomsticks. You up for a Butterbeer?"

Mason shrugged. "Sure. But you're buying."

"No wonder you're single, making the girls pay. How rude!" I exclaimed, playfully.

Mason laughed. "I don't make my dates pay. Just girls who want me to pretend to be their boyfriend to get another guy jealous."

I laughed as we walked into the Three Broomsticks. "I'm guessing that happens often."

"More than you know." Mason winked. "I'm surprised I could fit you in, actually. I'm a very busy man."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure you are. Now you order and I'm going to the loo."

Mason nodded and walked up to the counter while I walked towards the back where the loo was. I turned the corner to the bathroom when someone grabbed my arm. Before I could scream the person covered my mouth and pushed me up against the wall. My eyes widened when I saw it was Draco. He was almost chest to chest with me and his hand was still gripping my arm.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Draco growled.

He removed his hand from my mouth and I gave him a bewildered look.

"Me?! I'm not the one grabbing girls and giving them heart attacks!"

Draco rolled his eyes. "You know what you're doing. Trying to get me jealous."

"And you're not? I see you prancing around with Parkinson, don't pretend that you aren't doing the same exact thing." I said, accusingly.

"You made me! If you hadn't of been snogging with that prick then we wouldn't be here."

I rolled my eyes. "You stupid prick, I'm not really dating him! I asked for his help to see if a guy liked me. There is nothing going on between me and Mason and there never was! You were the one that just assumed there was."

"So now there's a third guy?" Draco asked, his voice filled with anger and disbelief.

"You idiot. There is no third guy! Or second guy! It's you. It's always been you."

Draco's eyes widened and I thought I saw a blush creep onto his pale cheeks. "Oh"

I scoffed. "The only reason I pretended to date Mason was to test you. If you really cared about me then you would have done something to make me jealous as well, which you did. So you passed, Malfoy. Even if you're a mindless jackass sometimes I think I'll tolerate being with you."

A smile played on Draco's lips. "And you're my thickheaded princess."

I smiled and placed my hands on Draco's cheeks, my fingers lightly pulling on his white blond hair. I stared up into his storm grey eyes that seemed brighter.

"Narcissistic, ignorant prat." I smiled, pulling his face closer to mine.

Draco smirked. "Most foolish Ravenclaw I know."

I raised my eyebrow. "How so?"

Draco brought his lips so they were hovering over mine.

"Because you fell for me." Draco whispered against my lips.

I hummed. "Yeah. I guess that does make me pretty stupid."

Draco chuckled. "But you're sexy. I'll give you that."

"You're not too bad looking yourself." I murmured.

Draco kissed the side of my mouth. "So I've been told."

"Just kiss me already." I said, impatiently.

Draco laughed but kissed me passionately. He pushed me harder against the wall, making sure there was no air between us. Draco brought his hands down to my hips and gripped them tightly while I wove my hands in his hair. I tugged lightly on his hair causing him to moan against my mouth. We pulled away, both breathing heavily.

"Damn." I said.

Draco laughed and kissed my neck. "We should do that more often." He whispered against my neck.

I hummed. "Agreed."

Draco bit my neck and I gasped as he sucked on the sensitive skin, leaving a mark behind.

"So everyone knows you're taken." Draco said, huskily.

Draco pulled away from my neck to kiss me.

"I thought you didn't want anyone to know about us." I whispered against his lips.

"They won't have to know that you're taken by me...yet. This way it'll keep those horny bastards off my girl."

I slightly laughed as we pulled away.

"How about we ditch our 'dates' and go some place more private." Draco asked as he trailed kisses down my jawline.

All I could do was nod. Draco pulled away but still kept a grip on my waist.

"Meet me in the Room of Requirements." Draco said before placing a kiss on my lips and walking away.

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