Chapter Five

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"Is that a loose horse?" I cried.

I didn't even need an answer from Chloe, as I already knew. The horse was obviously loose, as there was no one near him and he wore no form of tack. He looked terrified, and I was scared for him. Would he jump off the cliff into the sea? Would he run towards the road and get hit by a car, or a lorry? Would he run off into the woods and get lost?

I didn't know what to do, but Chloe certainly did.

"Give me your reins, quickly," she demanded," Hurry up!"

I did as I was told, having to dismount Buck and unhook his reins. I handed them to Chloe, who had also removed Fly's reins. She quickly tied them together, keeping an eye on this horse.

"What, you're going to try and catch him?" I said," Are you insane?"

"You know it," she grinned, as she remounted Fly and pushed him into a fast walk up the cliff.

She didn't want to startle the horse, or make him run off, but that was inevitable. I watched as Fly neared the horse. It was clear that he was unsure, but he went forward slowly for Chloe. I watched as she dismounted and stepped towards him slowly. He was completely still as she held out a hand, but he suddenly reared up, screaming, before galloping off. Chloe quickly mounted Fly again, who followed the horse. Buck in turn ran after Fly. Once we'd reached the top of the cliff, I could see Fly trying his hardest to chase this horse down. But to my shock, this horse was out running Fly. I had never seen any horse outrun Fly. Buck was no match for either of them, but we managed to keep them in sight as we ran further and further from the beach, and nearer and nearer towards the secret cove.

I saw them slowing slightly, as Chloe had managed to throw the homemade lasso around his neck, before she was dragged off of Fly by the sheer force and strength of this massive animal, but she managed to land on her feet and to my surprise, managed to pull the animal down onto all fours, calming him down. I cantered up to her, staying a good ten feet away from them.

"Are you crazy?" I shouted as I dismounted.

"Amy, look at him," she said, almost to herself as she calmed him.

He was a stallion, and certainly a handsome one. And absolutely massive. He must have been at least 19hh, a good two hands higher than Fly. He was very skinny, but also muscular; not an ounce of fat on him, with dark, intelligent eyes, and a shining jet black coat. He looked to be a fresian to me, but he was too tall and too chunky, so maybe he was a crossbreed.

Even I could see the anger in his eyes. He was a broken horse, but as he looked down at Chloe who's personality matched his own, I could feel him calming. He tried rearing up several more times in a poor attempt to escape, but Chloe's grip on her homemade lasso was too tight.

"Oh Amy, isn't he gorgeous," she said, holding a hand up to his muzzle.

He snorted and pulled away, and that was when I noticed he had a rope head collar tied tightly around his head. It had dug into his skin, making it bleed. It was most likely infected, and it needed to come off. Chloe had also noticed this, as I watched her slowly and cautiously reached into her pocket and pulled out a red pen knife, one I'd known she'd had for years. She opened it up and reached up to cut it off, but the stallion saw the shimmer of the blade and panicked. He began screaming and reared up, his teeth bared and his ears back. He was getting closer and closer to the cliff edge.

"Chloe!" I shouted," Get away from the cliff!"

She looked back at me, then the cliff, before she whistled to Fly. He trotted up to her and she wrapped the end of the long singular rein around his neck. How she managed to tie the thing, I do not know, but she tied a secure knot around his neck.

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