Chapter Eleven

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Chloe and I got out of the car that we had parked on the side of the road. The cafe that we were supposed to meet Anouk at was just up the hill and round to the left, according to Chloe. As most people do when they go out to meet friends, we had changed into more appropriate clothes; I was in a simple skirt and converse trainers with a white top, and Chloe was in her black boots with ripped jeans and a T-shirt.

I followed Chloe up the hill, as I didn't actually know where we were going. She led the way into a quaint little cafe with a flag hanging outside. There was a happy 'Come in!' sign and the ding of the bell as we walked in the door. While I looked around, Chloe walked over to one of the tables where Anouk was sitting. She got up to greet her, and they embraced.

"I hope you don't mind, I've brought Amy along," she said, sitting down.

"That's fine," Anouk smiled," A friend of Chloe's is a friend of mine."

I smiled as I sat down, feeling comfortable and at ease. The waiter pounced on us almost immediately, and handed us some menus.

"So how has married life been?" Chloe asked as the waiter slunk back into the den that was the kitchen.

"Uh, so amazing!" she replied, her face lighting up," Louie is just the most amazing husband, I couldn't have married anyone else."

"Any baby talk yet?" she asked with a cheeky grin.

Anouk laughed and said," Nope, nothing yet, he doesn't think we're ready as a couple."

"But you do want kids, I'm assuming," I said.

"Oh, of course, twins preferably," she replied," But you can't really decide on those kinds of things."

Chloe nodded in agreement and said," So, tell me about uni, how you got on. We haven't spoken properly in years, I want to know about it!"

"That was so great," she answered, before turning to me," You should consider going, it's such an amazing experience."

"I wouldn't know what to do," I said.

"You don't have to, you just have to do something you're interested in and build it from there," she said," I mean, it was easy for me, I always wanted to do Forensic Science, but if you do what you're interested in, then you'll have the time of your life, trust me."

"Sounds like I missed out," Chloe sighed.

"You haven't done too bad," I said.

"Yeah, from what I've heard you're one of the best horse trainers, riders, buyers, and whatever else goes into it," Anouk agreed," In a nutshell, you're well known."

"You flatter me," Chloe teased.

At that moment, the waiter came over with our drinks. We waited silently for him to put everything down and leave us alone. Once he'd left, Anouk leant forwards and said," Isn't he a pocket full of sunshine."

Chloe and I chuckled, before I asked," So, you're a forensic scientist?"

"Yeah, I went to Keele Uni," she replied," Studied human biology with forensics."

I nodded, although I had no idea what that meant.

"Are you working around here now?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, and I was actually involved in an investigation recently," she said," I was called down to the beach to analyse an old shipping container that had been used for smuggling. Can't think what it was smuggled in it."

"Is that why you were reminded of me?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, I saw you up on the cliff with that horse," she replied with a grin," How is he doing, by the way, Jack hasn't been telling us much."

"You work with Jack?" I said, suddenly quite excited.

"Yeah, for a few months," came the reply," Well, since I started, he's been there longer than I have."

"Does he talk about Chloe a lot?" I asked.

"Shut up, Amy!" Chloe snapped.

"Honestly, I don't know," Anouk replied, with a chuckle," My division don't really mingle with any other, except when they come to give or take information, but Louie knows him quite well."

I was about to open my mouth to ask another question, but Chloe beat me to it. "What does Louie do? Career wise?"

"He's a businessman," came the reply," He owns several housing agencies. We decided last year that we would move down here, one of his big branches is here."

"So you've now got a successful career with a successful husband and living your best life," Chloe said.

"In a nutshell," Anouk laughed," Anyways, how's that horse that you rescued doing? There were rumours going around the station for weeks, that he was crazy. Tried to kill someone, or something."

"No, not quite," came the reply," He was crazy, but he's better. He trusts us."

"Uh, no, he trusts you," I corrected," He doesn't like other people, and he hates men."

Just at that moment, we heard the doorbell ding again as someone else entered. I turned my head to glance quickly, but didn't pay much attention. Only when the figure walked straight up to our table did I look at him properly. He was tall, and quite skinny, with darkish strawberry blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He walked up to Anouk and reached down to give her a kiss.

"Hello," Anouk said happily," I didn't expect to see you here."

"No, I was just passing, thought I'd say hello," he smiled, before greeting Chloe and I.

He seemed nice enough; very down to earth and easy to talk to. He stood talking to us for a few minutes, before he glanced at his watch and said to his wife," They've called me up for an emergency meeting in Birmingham, so I'll be gone for a day or so."

"That was very short notice," Anouk complained.

"I know, I'm sorry, but you know I wouldn't go if I didn't have to," he said with an apologetic smile," I'll see you when I get back, okay?"

She nodded and he gave her one last kiss before walking out of the door and jumping into the fancy black sports car that was parked outside. I looked back at Anouk who looked rather upset.

"One of the downsides of having a husband who owns his own business," she explained," He struggles to find that fine line between work and personal life."

We sat there in silence for a moment, before the waiter came back over to take our orders. We moved on from that subject quite quickly after that. It was a good morning, and we didn't end up leaving until midday. We all walked back down the hill to where the cars were parked.

"It was really lovely seeing you again," Chloe said, giving her a hug.

"Yes, we should do it again," Anouk agreed, smiling," I still don't know many people around here."

"You could come over for dinner one night, maybe bring Louie," I suggested.

"That's very kind of you," she said, looking up at Chloe.

"Yes, that's a good idea," Chloe said," Why don't you let me know when you're free."

She nodded and said," Well, I should let you go, I've kept you for long enough."

She gave us each a kiss on the cheek before walking down the hill towards where her car was parked.

"She's very nice," I said as we got into our car," I like her."

"Yeah, she is sweet," came the reply," I just feel bad that she doesn't know anyone here."

"Yeah," I murmured as we drove home.

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