Chapter Twenty One

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Guinness raced through the forest with me trying desperately to hold on. Chloe was right when she said he felt like a machine. I had never ridden an animal so powerful. With every moment, he got faster and faster, feeling more like a bird than a horse. I could feel him relaxing slightly now, which made me feel like I could control him. I tried to pull on his reins to slow him down and conserve his energy, but he tossed his head, galloping faster. I was so fearful that he would trip, or something would spook him, but that never happened. He was on a mission, and he knew exactly where he was going. I didn't even have to guide him.

I had predicted that, if he was as fast as Chloe said, running seven miles at a solid 40mph, we would reach the beach in ten minutes.

Guinness got us there in eight. That was a faster speed at a longer distance than any horse in the history of horses had ever gone before, but I couldn't linger over that now.

I could see that we were reaching the edge of the forest, and that Guinness was slowing down. I let his gallop turn into a canter, and the canter turn to a trot. He trotted up the little slope, and I managed to stop him just so I was able to peer over the edge of the slope.

True to his word, there was a ship down by the cove. I couldn't see anyone around, but I knew they were there.

"What do we do, Guinness?" I asked softly.

He nickered, shaking his head. He was obviously trying to tell me something, but I didn't understand what. Then, as I looked down, I saw two figures emerge from the far side of the boat. One was Alissa, I could tell that by her dirty hair and nasty face. I winced when I recognised the second to be Albie. He looked so upset, and in that moment I knew that both he and his brother never wanted to be apart of any of this.

I watched, waiting for them to do something. I could hear them talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Alissa sounded angry, and Albie was trying to calm her down.

Both Guinness and I watched and listened. Suddenly, I heard a car coming up the road to my right. It stopped in the little layby that I knew was there, but that I couldn't see. I froze as I heard the doors open and close, and several voices shouting.

They came into view, and I had to stifle a gasp when I saw several men dragging Chloe and Jack down the beach, their hands tied behind their backs and blindfolds over their eyes.

Guinness could see Chloe, too. He snorted, and I had to shush him to avoid anyone spotting us. I watched as the men led their two captives down towards Alissa. Jack was shoved towards Albie, while Chloe was sent to Alissa. She took off her blindfold, and the two women looked at each other without saying a word. Although I couldn't see Chloe's face, I imagined that it was one of hatred and anger. Guinness pawed at the ground, wanting to go to her.

"Oh, and what do you suggest we do, go down by ourselves?" I questioned.

"Not without backup."

I turned and to my relief saw Julian coming towards me. He was riding Vesta, who looked exhausted.

"You ride?"

"Of course, horses are my passion," he replied as he looked down at the scene that was unfolding.

Chloe and Alissa were exchanging words now.

"What can we do?" I asked.

Julian said nothing, but pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Albie has to know we're here," he said, typing into his phone.

"But he'll tell them," I protested.

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