Chapter Four

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The next day is scorching hot. Kat, Nadine and Karen are in Kats room, both windows are wide open and the rotating fan is on.

Kat is lying on her bed fanning herself with a takeaway leaflet. She was wearing a short skirt and a cropped halter neck top. Karen is wearing a white vest top with short shorts while Nadine was wearing a white sundress. They were sitting on Kats bed chatting.

Nadine sighed in an exaggerated manner
"Oh, okay. If you're that desperate to meet him, I'll arrange something," she promised.

"Finally," Karen replied. "You know I've more than likely passed him on the street already and not known he is the object of your desire." She placed her hands over her heart then dramatically flopped back on the bed next too Kat, who was quietly giggling to herself.

"Also, fyi his name is Dominic," Nadine reminded them.
"By the way, speaking of guys, Katrina."

Kat turns towards her frowning as she picked up a small remote control from her bedside table.
"Hey, don't call me by my full name," she scolded.

Ignoring that Nadine continued,
"I thought Dean was going to be here today."

Kat pressed a button on her remote and they heard music coming from her CD player.
"When he heard that you would be here, he refused to come," she replied placing the remote down.
"He's scared of his love for you."

Karen laughed out loud as Nadine playfully slapped Kat on her thigh, "You are such a weir."
Nadine stopped midsentence as Kats bedroom door suddenly flew open, had it not been for the rubber door stop behind, it would have hit the wall with enough force to do some serious damage. As they all turned their heads to look in alarm, Alan stormed into the room.

Without sitting up Kat regarded him with contempt.
"Excuse me, can you knock?" she asked angrily.

He stood in her doorway with his arms crossed,
"Where's my money Kat?"

Propping herself up slightly on her elbows, her expression changed to one of confusion. "What?"

"My money, it was on top of the fireplace in the Dining Room. What have you done with it?"

Sighing Kat sits up on the bed cross legged as Karen and Nadine watched tensely.
"Why would I want or need your scabby benefit money? I earn my wages"

Alan replies his voice dripping with sarcasm,
"Oh yeah, waitressing is a job you should be so proud of."

Kat jumps off the bed and stands in front of Alan to confront him, he faces her confidently and the difference in height means that Alan towers over Kat, but she refused to be intimidated by him.
"So, tell me. What's your contribution to society, except contamination?"

Alan continued to patronize his step sister,
"Contamination. Five syllables, impressive. Guess living with me is making you more articulate."

Kat didn't reply but her eyebrows lowered down over her dark eyes.

"You are paying me back you thieving bitch, every damn penny."

Alan turns his back on her to leave her room, but Kat grabs his arm and spins him around to face her again. "Like hell I am," she shouted back raising her voice.
"Look, I didn't touch your cootie infested money, and you have no right to burst into my room to accuse me. Now just get out of my room, out of this house, out of my life and take your arsehole Dad with you."

Alan grabs the tops of both of Kats arms, holding her tightly. Karen and Nadine both stand up in alarm.
"Alan, stop," Nadine pleaded.

Alan bent down so he could glare directly into Kats eyes,
"You better watch your back you little shit. I will kill you." Kat flicked her fringe out of her eyes and returned his glare.

She heard Karen speaking,
"Guys, please, calm down."

Kat wincing, tries to prise Alans hands off her arms,
"Alan you're hurting me."

Alan suddenly shoves Kat back and lets go off her, she stumbles backwards into Nadine who puts her arms up to steady her friend. Kat scowls at Alan as she rubs her arm, then she looks past Alans shoulder and her expression changes.

Alan turns to leave then finds himself face to face with Dean. Kats boyfriend glances at Kat his eyes showing genuine concern, she nods silently and makes the 'I'm okay' hand gesture.

Dean grabs Alan by the collar of his tracksuit top then slams him up against the wall hard enough to make Alan wince. Kat walks towards him resting her hand on one of Deans shoulders.
"Babe, don't. He's not worth it."

"He hurt you," replied Dean through gritted teeth, trying to control his overwhelming urge to knock Alans head off.

Kat forced a giggle out,
"Hardly, his got the grip of a girl. Besides, he could cost you your job. He's the kind of weasel who would go squealing to your boss like a little school kid sissy."

Dean relaxes his grip, knowing that Kat was right. He released Alan then took a few steps away from him. Alan straightened the collar of his top, then after giving Dean a once over sweeping glance he left Kats room smiling and shaking his head. Nadine and Karen sat down on the bed heavily.

Nadine let out a big breath "That was scary. I've never seen him that angry before."

Kat who was closing her door again replied, "Yeah, well, he's misinformed..."
She raised her voice loudly, " well as completely psychotic."

Dean lifts Kats arms examining them closely, there's large red fingerprint marks on both.
"Are you alright?"

Kat shrugs,
"This is nothing, I can handle him."

Karen spoke up,
"Wow, that was intense. I mean that was like a scene from one of those TV shows, you know the ones where nobody ever has a happy ending. Though I have to say, I would have loved to see Dean punch him. Right smack in the face."

Both Kat and Nadine agreed. Dean grinned while he cracked his knuckles,
"One day."

Dean kicks off his trainers then shrugs out of his leather jacket. He's wearing straight leg, black jeans and a white Reebok t-shirt. He laid down on the bed propping himself up on one arm, as Kat sat in front of him with her legs crossed. She leans down over the side off the bed to pick up a can of beer then passes it over her shoulder to Dean. He takes it from her and pops it open as Nadine pulls a notebook and pen out of her handbag. She opened it then focused on her friends.

"Okay, so the assignment is to write a script, with a plot, characters, scenes etc, which we eventually have to make into a film. So, firstly we need to pick a genre."

Kat opens her mouth to speak, but before she utters a word Nadine interrupts her.

"It has to be realistic and convincing. So, no mythical beings Kat. No Vampires, Werewolves, Sirens, Mermaids, Valkyries, Succubuss or Zombies."

Kat lowered her eyes as Dean laughed,
"Aha, busted."

Karen puts her hand up, Nadine rolled her eyes.
"Karen we're not in class, you don't have to raise your hand.'

Karen smiled, "Oh yeah," lowering her hand she continued,
"I think slasher films are quite realistic. Every single day on the news there has been another stabbing or shooting. There are people out there with psychotic tendencies, who can one day have something happen to them which just makes them snap."

"I'm up for doing a slasher script." Kat said agreeably.

Leaning over the notebook with her pen in her hand, Nadine nodded making it unanimous.
"Okay then, let's get started."

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