Chapter Thirteen

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All three of them burst through Kats front door breathing heavily. From upstairs came the faint sound of heavy metal music so Kat knew that Alan was home, however her Mum and Stepdad were both at work. Nadine immediately sank down onto the bottom step.
"We left him, we just left him there," she panted out of breath.

She covered her face with her hands crying uncontrollably as Kat and Karen glanced at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Karen leant towards Kat whispering. "I'm so bad at this kind of shit, so shall I be the one to call the cops?"

Kat nodded so Karen walked into the Lounge to use the house phone. Kat sat down on the bottom step next to Nadine then put her arm around her, immediately Nadine turned towards her and hugged her tightly as she continued to sob.
After a few moments Karen came out of the Lounge.
"The police are going to the house to secure the scene then some officers are coming here to question us."

Karen knelt down next to Nadine and Kat, "Do you feel up to answering their questions?"

Nadine pulled away from Kat wiping her eyes with the sleeve off her leather jacket.
"I'm not sure how much help I will be, I didn't see anything," she sniffed through tears.

Suddenly they heard footsteps coming down the stairs behind them. Kat turned her head then rolled her eyes when she saw her stepbrother. He stopped in his tracks as he noticed the small group in the hallway,
"You're kinda blocking my way."

When he doesn't get any kind of reply, he hesitated unsure of how to proceed, he had been expecting some rude insult back.
"What? No sarcastic or bitchy comments. What's wrong with you all? Time of the month is it?"

Kat stood up and angrily whirled around to face him,
"What do you want Wankhead?"

He walked down a couple more steps to get closer to her,
"I would like to get into the Kitchen, if you care to move your fat arse out of my way."

Kat looked away from him,
"You could use the other set of stairs, they lead directly into the Kitchen," she replied sarcastically. Then she took a side step off the stairway so he could pass, he swept his eyes over Nadine, who is still sitting on the step quietly sobbing.

"What happened? Did she break a nail or something?"

He swaggered towards the Kitchen as Kat glared after him. When he had disappeared from view Kat kneels down next to Karen,
"Do me a favour, take Nadine into the Lounge. If she's around Alan he's just gonna upset her."

Karen stood up, she held her hands out to Nadine who grasped them and used Karen to help pull herself too her feet, then they walk into the Lounge. Karen shuts the door behind themselves as Kat straightened up ready to confront her stepbrother. Within a few seconds she heard him shout, "You bitch."

"Here we go," Kat whispered to herself.

Alan stormed back into the hallway and stood nose to nose with Kat, "Where is it?"

"Where's what drink?" replied Kat innocently.

"Well we've established that lying is not your strong point."
Alan spat out his words at Kat, he crossed his arms trying to look intimidating. Kat said nothing in reply which infuriated Alan more.
"Buy your own fucking drink with your own money."

"Why? It's so much more satisfying when I drink yours," answered Kat grinning mischievously.

"You work. True, it's a shitty job which a Chimpanzee could do, but you still earn more than me. Why don't you just buy your own alcohol, like I have to."

Kat sighed, bored of this conversation, she yawned loudly.
"Why don't you just go and suck some dicks?"

Alan raised his eyes to the heavens as if imploring God for help,
"Why would you say that? Why would you make a blatant homosexual comment like that, to me of all people?"

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