Chapter Nineteen

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Alone in the cellar Kat and Nadine look at each other.

"I wont leave Karen," said Kat defiantly.

"Me either. She's gotta be here, searching for us, there is only so many places she can be. Then we can grab my keys from my room for the front door," Nadine said trying to put together an escape plan.

Kat crept up the steps first, her little switchblade clenched tightly in her fist, Nadine followed close behind her. Alan had left the cellar door wide open. Kat poked her head around the doorway giving the room a sweeping glance, then she stepped out into the Kitchen. She walked briskly through the Kitchen, heading for the Dining Room, urgently checking all around herself hoping to catch sight of their friend.

Without looking back she spoke to Nadine quietly, "The last I saw of Karen, she was running upstairs. Maybe we should start there."

Nadine silently nodded, Kat not hearing a reply turned around to make sure Nadine was still with her. Nadine caught Kat watching her, "What?"

"Mate, I can't hear a nod and I would really appreciate it if you could verbalise rather than act out your reactions, so I know that you're still with me. I may be betraying my cool exterior here, but I'm admitting that I really really don't wanna feel like I'm alone."

As Kat was speaking Nadine saw a shadow stretch out on the floor behind Kat, appearing from the stairway, hidden from her sight around a corner. Kat noticing that Nadines eyes were locked onto something past her shoulder, looked around. In that instant the killer stepped out, his eyes locked straight onto the two girls, they screamed then started backing away. Without taking their eyes off the killer they retreated into the Kitchen.

Nadine her voice shaking whispered to Kat, "He's blocking our way, we can't get upstairs or to the front door."

The killer slowly walked towards them, taking one step at a time. Continuing to back away Nadine and Kat found themselves heading towards the back door.
Suddenly Kat spoke up, "I've got an idea to get out of here."

"What about Karen?"

"We can't find or help Karen if we die now. Do as I say. Turn around and run into the Garden."

Nadine turned as Kat also spun around, they both sprinted into the back yard, adrenaline making them faster than ever. Panting Kat shouted directions to Nadine.

"If we can make it to the gate, we can get into the alleyway."

"Then what?"

"I dunno, find a phone, or ask a passer-by to call the cops."

They ran down to the gate only to find it padlocked. Kat grabbed the lock in her hands then let out an angry cry of frustration. Nadine raised her head to see if they could climb over, but the tall gate had spikes running along the top of it and barbed wire. There was no chance that they would make it over. The killer appears at the back door. Nadine froze in fear not knowing what other options they were left with, then she feels Kat grab her left arm and pull her forwards.

Kat is heading for a small wooden cabin, it was the old clubhouse that John had used as a little den when he was younger. As they were running for it the killer walked slowly towards them.

"Climb onto the roof, then we can at least get into your neighbours garden and ask them to alert the authorities."

They ran up to the wooden cabin which was actually a converted hen house. It was made from wooden boards with an asphalt overlay roof. There was a camouflage net nailed to the outside of it and little spy holes. Nadine reached it first and jumped for the high roof, her fingers gripped the edge of the roof then she struggled to pull herself up.
Her head snapped round as a Japanese throwing star embedded itself in the wooden board next too her face. Turning around Nadine saw the killer raise his hand and within seconds another throwing star hit a board narrowly missing her leg. Her arms shook as she tried again to raise herself up onto the roof. She glanced at Kat next to her who was taller and striving desperately to climb up, her shoes scrabbling against the outside of the clubhouse.
Kats hands lost their grip and she fell down landing on her feet. The killer was continuing to calmly saunter towards them, Kat jumped back as another throwing star whizzed past her face then ricocheted off the metal fence. Kat looked at Nadine who was still struggling and without thinking she put her hands under Nadines foot giving her a firm foothold then pushed her up a little.

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