A/N: Edited and minor changes
Taehyung's POV
On our way home from work we stopped and grabbed a few pregnancy tests. I am so nervous. I want kids and this job. I'm just not sure I can have both.
Dana: It will be OK
She smiles at me and rubs her hand over my back to comfort me.I know she believes everything will be fine, because for her it will be. Any of the real sacrifices will be mine to make. I will have to quit working or have a caretaker raise my kid. Some of the men that become caretakers try to insert themselves into the marriage. I don't want to deal with that. Not all women sleep with the help, but my mom did. I don't think Dana is that type of person, but I don't want to risk it.
Taehyung: I hope so, can you check it now?
She gets up and goes to the restroom to check the tests.We bought two different tests just to be safe. Dana walks out and looks a bit nervous.
Dana: I am not pregnant.
I could tell she was waiting to see what my reaction would be. I need to make sure she knows I am not mad at her.Taehyung: Come here.
She walks into my arms and I hug her.Taehyung: I want you to know that no matter how many of these tests we take, I will never be upset with you. I really will be super happy when we have kids. This just means for now I don't have to share you.
I kiss her and then go toss the tests. When I come back in she is making tea.
Taehyung: Are you ready for kids Dana?
She looks up from what she is doing and smiles.Dana: Honestly not yet. I think we need more US time. We have a lot of cases coming up and even though we can work from home. I don't really like the idea of bringing clients in our home.
I smile at her.Taehyung: Not ready to share me yet, are you?
I tickle her sides as I press her between me and the counter.
She laughs and tries to wiggle out of my grip.It's no use though I hold her till I'm ready to let her go. When I let her go, she is in tears with laughter. She looks like a little cherub with her pink tinted cheeks. We make our way to the couch and sit cuddled up.
Taehyung: What do you think about birth control?
She rubs my tummy and giggles.Dana: I'm OK which one are you interested in?
She turns so she can look at me.Taehyung: How do you feel about the pills?
She sits quietly for a bit and thinks.Dana: The male pills have some side effects that I'm not ok with. Like possible impotence and sterility. And same for shots for you guys.
Taehyung: I didn't want to take it anyway. How about condoms for now.
I kiss the top of her head.Dana: Oh, I don't mind taking the pill. Our side effects of shorter or no period works well for me. But I'll get condoms for now.
I chuckle a little bit, I know there are more side effects than that.Taehyung: If you are OK with it so am I.
I chuckle at her confused expression.Dana: What's so funny?
She sits up looking at me.Taehyung: You, when you think about the side effects you only choose to acknowledge the ones you like. Babe you know that doesn't make the others go away, right?
I'm full on laughing at her now looks cute all pouty.Dana: Seriously what other sides effects matter? Hmm death, diarrhea, or fever? That comes on Tylenol and I'm not dead yet.
I am literally rolling on the couch.

The Auction
FanfictionIn the recent years men have lost all their power. You will not find a man in charge or more than children, if they are lucky. If you want a husband and don't know a family that has a son they are willing to allow you to marry you go to the auction...