A/N: Edited to be easier to read. No real changes have been made. Mostly grammar and spelling.
This story may need a bit of background information to make sense. In this version of my little world men have been replaced in all positions of power by women. They can not own property, vote and their opinions do not count or matter. This is a result of the International War of Women clearly, they lost. The war was basically women around the world coming together to stop the men's reign of terror.
There were just too many instances of men abusing their power over women and even over the world in general. Lots of things came to light when the woman came to together. They had enough and decided that the next generation would know better and they would not have to worry about the violence and abuse. Unfortunately, there were casualties of war in the form of men that were genuinely good people. The women made rules to protect men but ultimately decided that they could not risk letting any men have power.
As a result of the lose they are often married off to help build relationships and secure business deals. They are sold or given away for dowries to the benefits of their mothers.
If a woman wants to get a husband and is not able to get one through business connections or family friends, she can go to the auction house. It is where families send the boys they do not want to deal with anymore, for any reason. Auction houses are very much like monasteries or orphanages,
You cannot get a man that have any violence in his past or that is currently serving jail time. These men are deemed unfit and are sent to workhouses.
If you meet the requirements you will be able to purchase a man. The money goes into maintaining the facility. To qualify you need to be able to financially support him. You need to have no violence on your records and have a stable address and work history.
I hope this will make this story a bit easier to understand or at least a bit more interesting for you.

The Auction
FanfictionIn the recent years men have lost all their power. You will not find a man in charge or more than children, if they are lucky. If you want a husband and don't know a family that has a son they are willing to allow you to marry you go to the auction...