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Ashton saw the frown on Michael's face when he followed where he was looking and sees their old best friend go about the things so fast he couldn't believe they were handling somethings as fragile as an expensive camera. Her friend kept calling her but she didn't warrant a look, never said anything, and left faster than lightning. The two bandmates shared a look all the while the other two changed clothes by the wardrobe room. "She looked so upset." Michael mumbles towards his best friend.

"You would when you're being forced to work for your ex. Who–you ended in bad terms with." Ashton fixes his hair while still looking at the door dumfoundedly. "This isn't good for anybody."

"You said it. This isn't going to end well for them–for Luke."

"What wouldn't?" Calum interjected, catching the last sentence Mikey said while walking closer to them. "What are we talking about?" He asks almost enthusiastically but Ashton gave him a look and bobbed his head to the lone photographer without the other one. He suddenly got the point and shook his head. "Let's not mention anything about her. Alright?"

Luke, who just got out the wardrobe overheard Calum but stopped to his tracks when he did. "Is he okay, though?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Luke says, ignoring the previous conversation he knew all too well and diverted his mind into other things. Michael only pursed his lips. "What's with that look?" He inquired and all three of them moved into their positions.

"You seem... too chill today." Calum shoved Mikey's shoulder but it was too late.

"Why would I not be?" He answered cooly. "Not like there's something to be bothered about." The three called bullshit. He was so bothered and they could see right through him, and maybe Luke wanted it that way and hoped his best friends could notice and not make a big fuss about. Eventually, his bandmates let the topic go as they fixed all their things and got ready to go home. Until, the stylist and the artist thought it was a great idea to play one of their older songs.

His mind didn't wanna bring back memories but then again, almost all their songs had to be either done with her, about her, or—still be somewhat about her. Like she's a leech stuck and can't get off, one thing that caused Luke to remember so much about her and stopped him from functioning altogether.

Who was he kidding? Being in the same room with her didn't make him feel like he's already done with her. It didn't make him feel happy. If anything, it felt like he's relieving things about her. The way she smiles, the way she laughs whenever they're alone together, and the way she looks at him. Something about her blue eyes he can't help but be drawn into.

Luke was so damn frustrated on as to why the girl who left him so heartbroken was still playing his damn mind three years later.

"Luke." Ashton called and he looked, "Just three months and it'll be over." He brushes his hair in frustration and nods. "It'll be over soon."

He hopes so.

SINCE DAY ONE ― luke hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now