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I take a deep breath and walk into the studio. I'm auditioning for a spot at WDA, Welton Dance Academy, especially their competition team. It's a solo audition, and I haven't seen a single other audition yet. I don't even know who's auditioning. There are three judges sitting at a table with a ton of papers in front of them. "Hello" says the woman in the middle,

"What's your name?" "I'm Madisyn Singh" I say. She smiles. "You may begin whenever you're ready". I press play on the music, and start my solo. My mom choreographed it, and it was my back-up solo for nationals last year. I really love it, because it's super lyrical but also shows off my tricks and technique. I only mess up once, wobbling my fifth pirouette, but I pull up and turn three more times. I can do about twenty on a normal basis in my jazz shoes, but Mom said that would be boring. I finish with a front aerial, then hinge backwards slowly. The judges don't clap, but the red-headed lady on the right smiles at me. "Thank you, Madisyn" she says. "We'll get back to you soon" I nod, and scurry out. Welton is amazing, and even the dressing rooms are fancy. I head to my mom, who is sitting next to my zebra print dance bag. "How'd you do?" she asks. "Great" I say, smiling. "Let's go" she says. ****************

A couple weeks later, I'm stretching in my room when my mom comes in. She's holding a closed envelope. "It's from Welton!" she says. I open the envelope slowly, nervous to see what it says. The letter reads:

To Madisyn Singh,
Congratulations on your acceptance into Welton Dance Academy. You have also been chosen to represent WDA on our elite teen competition team. Bring this letter to registration on August 18.
Thank you!
-Malia Tenor, head choreographer/headmistress of Welton Dance Academy

"Mommmm I did it I can't believe it I made it into Welton this is SOOO awesome!!!!"
"Oh sweetheart, I'm so proud of you! I know you'll be amazing! When's registration?"
"August 18" I say "isn't that tomorrow?"
"And school starts two days later! We have to start packing!"

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