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It was a darkened, blue room. There were no furniture anywhere. He looked through the room, breathing heavily, until he got stuck on a silhouette crouching on the floor in a dark corner. Her gaze was downwards and she seemed to be tied to something on her back. Heiji immediately ran over to her and  knelt on the ground. Carefully, he grabbed her by the cheek with one hand and raised her face slightly. His heart pounded, he was breathing heavily and was sweat-soaked. When his eyes finally got used to the darkness, he recognized Kazuha, and as if on command, his hands began to tremble.

Her skin was pale like snow and her arms full of scars. Under her eyes were deep circles, she seemed lifeless. He was very in pain to see her like that. He didn't even want to think about what she had been through.

"K-K-K-Kazuha." he whispered trembling and the first tear fell on the wooden floor. He sobbed when he suddenly saw her open her eyes. She looked on his shirt with no expression until she recognized his face and immediately widened her eyes in shock.

"Heiji..."she whispered delighted.

"Yes, I'm here. I finally have found you, you are safe now." he whispered brittlely.

"Heiji this place is terrible, isn't it?" She suddenly said, completely out of concept.

With wet eyes, he looked at her confused.

"And our past, too, isn't it? I should have let you go, then all of this  wouldn't have happened and you wouldn't have to suffer.' she whispered quietly.

"Kazuha what are you talking about?" Heiji did not understand. She was completely beside the track. Did the guy put her under drugs?!

"Kazuha, I'll get you out of here now and then we'll start our live over again," Heiji sobbed and began to loosen her shackles.

"Heiji I'm glad you're visiting me again. But this place is terrible. You shouldn't be here." she just whimsed.

Heiji paused as he unleashed the shackles. 'Again'?
He looked at her speechless. What was she talking about. But she just smiled slightly and looked at him with her faded green and tired eyes.

"Heiji... I always rejoice when I dream about you, but I will wake up again and then you'll be gone, again when I need you so much. " she whimpered and began to sob.

Dream about you? What did she meant? Did she think she was dreaming? Heiji re-energised her face and looked deep into her eyes. "Kazuha No, this is not a dream. I'm here, that's all true. I searched for you all the time and finally found you! And now I'm getting you out of here! Get you out of this horrible place!" he tried to convince her in horror.

"You always say that. Please do not try to reassure me. Everything that has to do with you is an illusion... I now know that. Well, everything except... Except for our past. Everything that has to do with you has been taken from me...
Nozomi!" she sobbed again, this time more violently, burying her face in Heiji's shirt as she cried heavily.

He embraced her and buried his face in her hair. He couldn't believe what she become. What happened that she couldn't even distinguish dream from reality. The tears ran continuously down his face and he clutched her even tighter when he suddenly heard the sound of a trigger and immediately a shot...

Just one second.

His eyes widened with terror.

He felt the severe pain spreading in his right shoulder and the skin covering with a warm liquid.

"HEIJI!" Kazuha cried, panicked with tears.

But the only sound that could be heard besides the sobbing was the dull fall of a body on the old wooden floor.


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