Chapter One

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I rolled around my bed for awhile before glancing at my clock.
"6:43" It read, I sighed and woke up out of bed. As I walked to my closet to grab my towel and toiletries, I saw the sky. It was still dark but only a few stars remained.

After gazing at the stars, I heard my younger sister Mackenzie waking up and yawning down the hall. That was my signal to hurry up into the bathroom before her. I switched the light on as I entered the bathroom, I could feel my eyes twitching as the bright lights hit my eyes. "It's too early for school." I thought over and over again while getting ready.

I picked out a white crop top, burgundy jeans, and white converses. I thought I looked cute, but I put a sweater on while going downstairs if my parents wanted to say anything about that. Before I even entered the kitchen the smell of pancakes and bacon entered my nostrils, I ran into the kitchen and on the bar stool at the island.

"Good Morning Mom" I said with a smile.

"Good Morning Mads" she replied, "Don't you think you'll get overheated in that sweater sweetie?" She added.

"No my school usually gets cold around now, I guess since it's June they think the air need to go on now."

She gave me a little look and handed me my breakfast. Mmm, mom's pancakes were always the best. Her bacon on the other hand was a bit crusty. I quickly ate it all up because I wanted to get to school early.

"Bye Mom,Dad and Kenz!" I yelled while leaving out of the door.

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