Chapter Five

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        "Maddie! Come Look, I think found him!" Mackenzie blurted from the other side of my room.

        Mackenzie and I haven't talked to out parents in days. Since they betrayed us we all think it's better that way. So, for the past few days Kenzie and i have been devoting our countless hours to searching for our father. We've gathered all the information by sneaking into our "parents" room and finding our birth certificates and while i was at it I also grabbed Mack's and I's records and passports. Because hey you never know we might need them very soon. 

         I walked over to Mack and said "Jackpot".  We had found our guy

         The computer screen read:

Kurt Ziegler-Divorced-Children: 2

        "Click the children bar, Mack!"  I was yelling at Kenz like we had just won the lottery. She quickly quickly. And what we saw was just the beggining.

        The webpage said that our Dad had two children. Mack and I. Mack bursted in tears. 

        "I wanna go"  She wailed repeatedly. I thought of all the cosequences, they weren't too harsh because after all our parents deserved to let us go. I thought If we go now we could leave before our "parents" come back from work.  

        "Go pack Mack, were leaving in 30" I said while getting up and headng to my closet.

                                                                Mission Dad is a go i thought.

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