Chapter Six

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I could hear Mack flustering through her stuff in her room. From what I heard in her room Mack packed three weeks worth of clothes, three pairs of shoes, a toothbrush, soap, more toiletries and her technology needs. She put her suitcase in the hall and glanced in my room. I decided to pack just what Mack did. I packed three weeks worth of clothes, a few pairs of shoes according to my outfits, toothbrush, toothpaste, toiletries, and some hair accessories. I have to look my best. That's is the one of the most important things I packed, the second most important are family pictures. I packed a few pictures in a plastic bag. Pictures of Mack, my "mother", and I. I grabbed a few things and headed into my parents room. I took the emergency gift cards my "parents" bought for emergencies like this, well not exactly like this and strutted out. I felt like I was in an action movie. Mack looked unsure of my actions.
"What if they like- find us by um- a tracker in the cards." Mack blurted nervously.

I rolled my eyes and replied "They can't. It's gift cards Mack!" I showed her he multiple cards for resturants, clothing stores, and the most important one, the one Mack and I will be living off for a while. Five five-hundred dollar gift cards that our so-called Dad purchased for an intense emergency which I totally think this is.
"Let's just go! Okay!" I yelled in urgence.

Mack and I strolled out suitcases down the stairs after saying goodbye to our rooms. I grabbed the car keys and asked Mack if she really wanted to do this. She agreed anxiously. I had a feeling she didn't want to do this. I felt bad and as if I was forcing her to leave, because she didn't want to stay in the house alone.
"Are you sure?" I said feeling guilty.
"Yeah come one let's leave." She replied.

I loaded the address into the GPS and rolled out. We were leaving Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and moving onto Yonkers, New York. I felt kinda brave to roll out of my neighborhood and onto the highway. I felt as if I was moving on and creating my own life. Not too long after I was receiving back to back phone calls. I stopped on the side of I-95 to check on Mack. I looked back and she her phone vibrating to the seat next to the sleeping Mackenzie. I quickly remember that Mack has a tracker on her phone and decide to switch it off. Gladly, I know the password to her parent password crap. Mom and Dad underestimate Mack. They think Mack is a young girl, incapable of doing anything on her own. But they are wrong and to tell the truth I think Mack has already had her first kiss.

About four hours into the trip I'm exhausted. I stop at a mall and wake up Mack. I tell her we are going to eat here and shop and return. Shop and return is something Mom and "Dad" had us do on a trip to Hawaii a few years back. We lost all of our stuff so "Dad" pulled out his gift cards and made us shop of a whole bunch of stuff, then return it and get cash back.

Mack woke up and accepted my demand. We walked into the store and headed into the first shop we saw "Abercrombie and Fitch". Mack rushed straight to the petite area, I quickly pulled her back.

"We aren't here to shop" I reminded her. "Just pick out expensive stuff."

Mack nodded and walked straight to the perfume area and picked up 4 sets of lotions, perfumes, and body wash. Probably worth $130 to $150 worth.

"More!" I mouthed to her from across the shop. I was looking at hoodies and grabbed six each worth $36 dollars. Another $216 dollars added to my bill. Maybe Mack and I could get a hotel room. That would be nice, but then we would have to shop again.

"That's too much" I said out loud accidentally.

"I agree" I heard a foreign voice say across the room. I looked up to see a handsome
blonde boy with the sweetest hazel eyes.

"Need help?" He asked. He had on a Abercrombie shirt so I assumed her worked here.

"Well, kinda. What's the most expensive thing in this store?" I asked.

"Slow down missy. Do you even have that kinda of money?"

"Don't worry 'bout it. I'm the customer, your the supplier. Just show me the supplies upon my request." I said. I could tell he was trying to flirt. I was 't just going to let him in easy like that. Especially when he reminded me of you-know-who. I glanced at him. He pointed into the direction of Mack. Before I could even say a mere 'Thank You', the boy handed me a card with his name and number. Dustin, he was Dustin Brooks.
I walked over to Mack to see if she was ready to check out. She glanced at me and laughed.

"So who's your new friend?" She teased.
"Mind you 14 year old business." I snapped.
"15 actually." She shaped back.
"Just mind your business" I said annoyed.
"Ouch." She joked back.
We check out and then went to the back of the line and returned everything back. Mack and I totaled out with a grand total of $700. We picked up some Chinese food and decided to share a large combo platter and bought a large 2-liter soda that we shared in our reusable water bottles we go from our old dance center like three years ago that go shut down on charges of Child Abuse and Child Endangerment.
I decided that Mack and I would stay in a small motel just down the road from the mall. Mack insisted we stay at the Marriott, but it's just too much. It would take up more than half of our money and plus we are on a budget, but I promised Mack if we stay in motels I would promise her breakfast everyday as long as she stayed on the value menu at any restaurant or fast food place closest. I finally get a room, $83 a night. I agreed knowing this is the best we could get.
As Mack and I finally get into our room Mack sits on the bed. It was actually better than I thought, it was clean and there weren't any bugs or rats. Nothing like movies make them seem like. I told Mack to only take what she needed for tonight and tomorrow. We may need to leave early and I told her under any circumstances, don't post a single thing on social media, don't like any pictures or statuses, and don't reply to anything. We must stay hidden and out of sight as much as possible. I also told her not to message anyone. We then fought for almost fifteen minutes on whether she could even use her phone, I told her just scroll through your feed. You can still be active, just don't like anything or post. She finally agreed and we flickered on the television and decided to sleep with MTV on, I set my alarm to 6:00. We need to wake up as early as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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