Chapter Four

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        I saw my Mom's silver Toyota pull up by the side of my school, I quickly tried to walk past the kids to where i would feel safer. 

        "Hey Mads, Why so blue?" She asked.

        "Nothing, jus- Let's go home." I replied.

         She sighed and started to drive home.

        "Want anything to eat?"

         I just kept quiet and hoped she would figure out that I wasn't in the mood. I felt like nothing else could go wrong, i just wanted to be home in my bed. Alone.

        Finally, My mom pulled up into our driveway and as soon as the car stopped I started go walk to my room. When I got into the house my father was there. He looked at me in a disappointed way, like he was sad too. What's his problem? I thought. Did it have something to do with what Mom told me? 

        "Maddie!" My mom called out while I was halfway upstairs. "Your Dad and I have an important announcement."

        I sighed and and dragged myself downstairs. What do they want? 

        "Sit down, You'll need to." Dad said. What's the problem? Are they getting a divorce? Are the getting separated? Is Mom pregnant? Are we moving? All these thoughts filled my head as I thought of the worst possibilities. "Maddie, we have some important news, but before we tell you, you have to promise you won't  get angry or mad at us because we both love you very much and we will never ever-ever try to hurt you. Okay?" Dad said. 

        I nodded in agreement. 

        "Maddie, Greg, your Dad is not- well he's not- um your real father" My mom blurted out.

        Once again My heart was just broken. For all seventeen years of my life I've been lied to. I quickly gave Greg a look and ran into my room only to find my sister in the corner of the room with a face full of tears and her cellphone.  

        "They just told you too?"  She asked between sobs. I nodded and went to sit next to her. I felt her pain, We've been decieved out whole lives and to make it even worse it was by our mother. I don't think I could ever trust her again. I also don't think I could ever trust Josh again. I hugged Mackenzie and said "We'll be alright, We'll get through this together, but for now we will just have to deal." Mackenzie must have been hit hard and I don't blame her, She's only 15.

        I told Mackenzie she could sleep in my room on my bed with me. We both took our showers and I took her out to Burger King for some dinner, not saying a word to my Parents. They let me take the car and go. We also stopped at Walgreens and picked up some snacks so Mackenzie and I could snack on. And I'm not sure if Kenzie noticed, but I grabbed some toiletries for my "trip".

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