Chapter Two

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"Hey Chloe." I said while entering my school. "Where's Josh" I asked.
She sighed and pointed him out. I could tell Chloe was starting to become increasingly jealous of Josh and I's relationship. But frankly, I don't blame her, Josh and I have been coming increasingly close. She may feel like a third wheel, but maybe she should just get a boyfriend of her own to keep her company..

"Hey Joshie" I said while sliding on the locker beside him. he smiled and grabbed my hand, he then took me to the janitor's closet. I sighed and felt bad inside I knew what Josh wanted for weeks now Josh has been pressuring me to yanno' "pop my cherry". I've been thinking about it but I've also thought about the consequences, I don't need that at this very moment.

"C'mon Maddie," Josh begged. 
"I don't think I'm ready and especially not in the janitor's closet!" I felt disrespected and stormed out. I thought Josh thought of me more than to just do a quickie in the JC. No bruh, I'm not like that.. Madison Nicole Ginsoni is not a thot.

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