part 25

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We made some stops along the way, where dad made some phone calls and the rest of us got to rest a bit and calm down the little ones.

Every time we did, I heard my dad swearing and cursing in both English and Italian. He didn't tell me much, but I knew it was worse than he thought at first.

"Dominic, can you come over here for a minute?" I heard his voice after a bit.

I did as he asked and sat down opposite to him on a bench outside.
We sat at a little spot with about 5 of these tables with benches. Me and dad sat on another table than the others, who had colonised 1 little table for everyone. Some sat on the table some on the benches and some on other's laps.

"What is it? You know what happened yet?" I asked as soon as I sat down properly.
I had a cigarette hanging out the side of my mouth and my hair was a mess from all the running. Everyone looked pretty messy, yet formal in their wedding outfits.

"There was a spy in the new group, the ones Tony trained, you know which ones I mean. He told the police about your little fiasco with that boy you know. You know who it was?" He asked. He sighted a few times throughout his sentence, trying to stay calm, but I could tell he was having a hard time doing so and that there were some other things he hadn't told me yet.

I hit my fist on the table aggressively.
"Goddamnit!" I shouted.

"You do then?"

I nodded disappointed.
"He was there, everyone trusted him, I'm sorry papa."

He sighed and then put his hand on mine.
"It's not your fault. If you, Tony and Luca all trusted him enough he must have been good," he said, but I could still tell he was disappointed.

"I'll get him for you, I'll take him out if you want me to," I proposed.

"No!" He sissed at me louder than the rest of the conversation. "We, all of us and especially you, need to lay low right now. There are some people here who we can just bring back home, but the rest has to get out of here."

"Where do you want to go then!?" I felt he was keeping something from me.

He didn't answer, instead, he just sighed deep and told me to go back to the rest.

I took my, now about 2-centimetre long cigarette out of my mouth, threw it on the ground, stomped on it and walked off.
At the other table, I got greeted with an arm around my waist and a little kiss in my neck from the back.

I turned around quickly to see Lola's big, brown eyes staring at me with attraction.
She put her head on my chest softly and her hand on my cheek.
"If he sais it is going to be okay, it will be, right? Just put some trust in your father," She said in an attempt to calm me down.

I sighed and put my head on her head.
"I hope so... just wish he'd tell me what he's planning,"

She moved my head with her hand that was still on my cheek to make me look her in the eyes.
"Whatever it is, we'll be alright."


I sat down on an empty spot, put my arms against the side of the table and quickly lit another cigarette.

"Eww, that stinks!" I heard one of my little cousins cry out towards me.
I scoffed and then went with my hand through his hair.

"Dom, what'd papa tell you?" I heard Angelic from beside me.

"Not much, just that we have to lay low mostly," I told her.

"I hope we'll get someplace where I can get some decent shoes soon," she said a bit jokingly, but I wasn't in the mood for jokes and just sighted at her remark, which got her to push me softly in annoyance.

"At least act like it's going to be alright okay? for the others, everyone just needs some positivity right now alright, so stop whining already!" She went on.

"If you find it so important, why don't you make everyone feel fucking wonderful yourself?!" I shouted at her before I walked off into the woods.
"I'm going for a walk, don't follow me, I'll be back before we leave," I said, primarily to Lola.

"You are such a dick!" I heard Angelic from behind me. I answered with a quick middle finger before I disappeared into the woods.

After a bit of walking on the path through that led through the forest, I started hearing some voices from behind some bushes close to the way out. They shouldn't have followed me goddamnit!
I pushed aside the bushes to so a full squadteam standing, watching my family from a bit. Shit.

I ran back to the others quickly.
"They're here, we need to go NOW!" I shouted.

"What are you talking about?" Dad asked. I noticed he was still angry for my behaviour.

"The fucking cops! Let's go!" I said as I started dragging everyone I could get my hands on that fast, to the van.

Everyone got up and ran towards the van with me, no waiting around. I heard them shouting and running toward us, but we got in in time and were already on our way to wherever our dastination was.

"How did they find us?" Angelic asked, out of breath.

"They probably got everyone looking for us, goddamnit! Where the hell can we go that's safe?" I asked.

"Dominic! I already told you, you'll find out when we get there! Now stop making a big problem out of this and shut it already!" Dad said furiously as he held me by my collar with his right hand and his keft hand still on the steering wheel.

"Alright! I get it! I sissed back, pulling my head back, in an attempt to get his hand of my collar, but it didn't work. Instead he pushed me back softly afterwards.

I let out one last sight, before I noticed how tired I really was from all this. Most of the little ones in the back had already fallen asleep and I started feeling myself doze off aswell.

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