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(Vic's POV)

"I still remember the night you tried to kiss me through the window. I tried to settle for the taste of touching glass over the sound of-" I stop my hushed singing and sigh, feeling blank. Everything about me felt drained and weighed down, especially my brain. I'd tried to add on to the lines of lyrics I'd formed last night but nothing came to me.

Whatever, I think. Doesn't matter. I roll off my bed and check my clock; 11:31. I stretch and adjust my boxers and pad to my bathroom to shower. As I wash, I think about Kellin and what he was doing. Was he busy? I wondered if we could go get lunch or something, since it was about that time of the day anyway.

Would he even want to with me? Plus, he has a girlfriend. Well, it was just lunch, nothing serious. I rinse and cut off the water, deciding to stop over thinking the idea. I secure a towel around me and walk to my room, looking for clean clothes. I get into fresh black briefs and dark khaki skinny jeans. I tap my chin in search of a shirt, then I spot my white Pantera long sleeve shirt.

For the next ten minutes, I pace around my room, pondering if I should text Kellin.


(Kellin's POV)

Kelly tangles her hands in my hair as I press her against the wall, keeping my hands in the middle of her back. She was a good kisser, don't get me wrong, but I was bored. Very bored. She seemed really into it though so I didn't want to ruin that for her. I traced my lips over her jaw and neck, nipping at the skin every once in a while. As I trace my hands up and down her sides, my phone buzzes in my back pocket.

I slow my kisses and make my way back up, where I lay a final kiss on her mouth. I drop my hands and smile slightly as she catches her breath. She reaches her hand out and I take it, pulling her away from the wall of my room. Mom let her stay the night yesterday, but Kelly slept in the guest room, thank God. I lead her down to the kitchen, where Mom has fixed us burgers.

But still, she was on the phone, just like she was an hour ago. "I know! Those stupid people have no respect," I knew who she as talking about immediately. "And those sons of theirs. Which one is that? No, no, the creepy one, the shorter one. That other one is just as tall as Derek. Yes! That's him," I furrow my eyebrows and pretend to be listening to Kelly, though I'm caught up in what my mother is saying.

"He did what? Oh, c'mon! You know that isn't true. Wow. Well, I'm sure they lied about that, no way that boy would do that." I tilted my head in annoyance and clenched my fists. "Kellin," I hear from next to me. "Are you hearing what I'm saying?" I shake my head, taking another bite of my food. "Sorry, what?" I mumble. She sighs, shaking her head a little. "I swear, you never listen," she hardly whispers. In a way, I felt bad, but I said nothing. "I said, my parents want to meet you."

My food feels like it weighs three hundred pounds then, making my chest clench. "Oh, uh," I cough. "Yeah." She raises her eyebrows, looking for a definite answer that I didn't have at the moment. What do I even say to that? To distract myself, I read the message I received a while ago. I smile a little when I see it's from Vic, opening the message immediately. Hey, are you busy?

I bite my cheek in thought, glancing at Kelly, who's still staring at me. No, why? I put my phone away and tap my fingers on the table. "Yeah, I know. They make me sick, Lucy. Making everyone else feel lesser than them. Yeah, I don't allow Kellin to go over there or even associate with them. Oh, he knows. Yeah." I grin to myself and shake my head at her lack of knowledge about her own child's whereabouts.

"So, what do you think?" Kelly asks. "I think..." I begin, biting my lip a little. What the hell am I supposed to say? "I think that maybe we should wait. You know they probably wouldn't like me." She laughs a little and props her chin on my shoulder. "They will, trust me. You're going to do fine." Jesus, show me the fucking way. I feel myself getting annoyed but I only nod, giving her a small smile and check my messages. Want to go to get some lunch? I'm rather bored and I wanted to see you. I smile a little and feel my face heat up against my will.

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