♥️Who Said "I Love You" First♥️

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Im gonna say it
Right here, right now

I love you guys with all of my heart! 🥺🖤


Rey Palpatine 🦋:

She did, she just couldn't hold it in anymore her love for you to strong for her to keep in and she wanted you to know whether you said it back or not

Jannah Lando 🐗:

Again you both did, you never kept anything a secret and both where huge of communication, one of the reasons your relationship was so good

Zorii Bliss 😼:

You did, it was in the heat of the moment and you were scared she wouldn't say it back but she did

Jyn Erso 🧠:

She did, right after she came back from a mission with Cassian she went to go find you, ending up with you in your chambers and funnily enough it was K-2SO that helped her realize she was in love with you so she immediately went and told you making you smile and of course say you loved her too as you hugged her

Leia Organa 👑:

You did, she had been stressing herself out so much and while calming her down and heloing her relax you had said you loved her and that you cared about her making her feel amazing

Padme Amidala 💅:

You did, she had been spoiling you once again, and in the midst of telling her once again you didn't need all the fancy stuff you'd said you lived her rich or not, you didn't fall for her money but her, she had hugged you so hard after that

Captain Phasma 🔫:

Surprisingly she said it, it was after you had almost gotten killed saving her life and she knew then and there she needed to tell you and you loved every second of it even if you were stuck in the infirmary

- Teddy 🌙🖤🌙

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