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"Hi mama." I said, eating some breakfast.

"Hey Corby, how was work?" She asked me with a smile on her face.

"Uh it was great actually...made me feel great." I said, not making eye contact.

"Oh thats wonderful!!" She cheered. "And Christina? Gosh I feel like I havent talked to u in days."

"Oh shes amazing. We hang out today which is supper fun." I looked at the clock and realized I was running late.

"Oh shit mom I have to go."

"One, no cussing." She said, giving me a warning. "And two, go now!!" She laughed slightly as I sped though the door and into my car.

I drove to work on call with Jack.

"Sup dude." Jack said. "Where ya headed?"

"Oh um you know...work." Corbyn blushed.

Corbyn wondered what Jack would do If Corbyn was a minor pornstar. Would he cut off the friendship? Bully Corbyn? Tell everyone?

Corbyn worried about telling him. And Zach? Much much worse. He'd freak out and bother me about it. Saying things like, "your horny and desparate." Or "HAHA PORN."

"Work? Where?" Jack asked confused. He was at the skating park but it wasn't busy so he was talking to me.

"Uh...a studio." I said.

"A studio? What the hell-"

"Well see ya! Bye!" I said quickly as he hung up the phone. Jack didn't call back because he knew there was something wrong with me.

I pulled up, walking inside the building. I was greeted by other pornstars that heard the news of "poud Besson." Wtf what that name?

"Hey." A girl giggled, biting her lip as she looked at me up and down.

I didn't respond. Why because its weird and gross. I get paid for fucking people...people are just insane.

"Corbyn!! The man I wanted to see!!" The director said, bringing me a coffee.

"Sorry im late but i just-"

"No worries." He said, tapping my shoulder. "We just need you to fill in for a missing actor."

"Missing actor?" I asked. Did they die of too much sex?!

"Yes, they quit." He chuckled. "But your filling in for a man named Jonah. And acting with a young man, oh jeeze I forget his name...Devan? Dominos?"

"No worries boss but uh...thats a two man sex right? As in gay sex?" I asked. Did he really think I was gay? I mean, i have noodle arms but...other than that im okay.

"Yessir, and you'll meet him when you get on set."

I couldnt say anything. Within a flash of light, they took me into the room, taking off my clothing and getting me on set.

I walked around naked because, what the fuck am I supposed to wear right?

Oh jesus, wanna know something funny? Its funny, trust me.

The guy im fucking is the guy from the ice cream shop.

I walked in, finnishing my coffee as I heard a deep voice behind me.

"Corbyn right? Thought I'd see you again." The burnett smirked at me, looking at me up and down. I liked the attention but..im not...gay..

"Yeah and your Devan?"

"Daniel." He corrected me. "Its time to prep babyboy." He brushed his finger against my lip..weirdo.

He lured me into the room, holding a bottle of lube.

"Now this is for your ass so it doesn't hurt you." Daniel said as I nodded. Does he think im dumb?


Daniel got a condom and lube, dripping some on his member as the condom was placed.

"Condom? I wont get pregnant will I?" I asked him. If i was, i quit.

"What? No. Its just, I dont want to risk it." Daniel said, shrugging he gave me lube to put on myself as I did.

"Wait, why am I a bottom?" I asked. This sucks dick.

"Because, its not that I'm a top. Its you're a bottom. Look at you, your so, you." Daniel said.

I nodded annoyed. Daniels weird but this will only be a one time thing, Right?

"I only have some rules." Daniel said. "No kissing, no immense touching. No dating and no trying to dominate over me."

"Like I want to kiss you." I rolled my eyes. "You stank whore.-Ahh"

I squealed as Daniel entered in me to prepare me. His length was hudge, and it hurt.

He moved his hips a little, making my breath hitch.

"Sorry? I couldnt hear you. All I heard was ahh." Daniel teased me. Hes such a bitch you know?

He kept going, increasing his speed. I wanted to moan but, it was weird. I had a dick in me. Me! A straight guy.

I held my breath, trying not to moan as Daniel went harder.

"O-oh my god." I gasped. It slipped out, I swear. Daniel smirked as he found my prostate, hitting it. It felt like heaven. But from the wrong person, obviously.

"Daniel!!" I squealed. "Im gonna-" before I could finnish, i cummed all over the floor as Daniel groaned.

"Great. Your tight. Anyways, you came for me." Daniel winked.

"Sex time!!" The director called from the other side of the door.

This is pure hell.
Smut in next Chapter bc I'm tired oop.

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