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Hiii:). Its been five months. Five! It went by really fast. Like Ava is 6 months old...and Daniel and I have been together for a year.

I woke up, smiling. It was summer time and Corona was over. I even made my own study to discover that 99.7% of the virus is gone.

"Goodmorning my love." Daniel smiled in his sleepy voice, kissing my cheek.

"Hi baby." I replied, giggling. "And hello precious." I cooed at ava who was in the middle of Daniel and I.

"Bbbb." Ava said, touching my face, squeezing my nose.

"Ahh." I laughed, squishing ava. "Your such a big girl now oh my god." 

"Right!" Daniel frowned. "My girl is growing up too fast."

"Ahh!" Ava mocked me, patting my face.

"Okay now say 'corbyn'" i smiled, with ava laying in between my legs.

"Ahh!" Ava said, giggling.

"No silly, corbyn." I said.

"Ahhhh!!!" Ava said, laughing histerically now. I laughed too, seeing it was the cutest thing in the world.

Daniel was starring at me and i could feel it. "Do you wanna hold her?" I asked.

"No, why?" Daniel asked me with a smile.

"Because your starring and i dont know." I giggled.

"I was starring because you and Ava are so close now. It just, warms my heart that i could tell she likes you." Daniel smiled, kissing mine and avas cheek. "I wouldnt be surpised if she called you mom."

I blushed hard, looking at Ava. "Your not calling me mom right? Because im corbyn?" I asked ava who had her hand in her mouth, kicking her legs.

"She said no." I smiled.

"Right." daniel laughed.

He didnt say 'happy one year baby.' What if he forgot? Should i pretend to forget too?

"" i said, looking at daniel.

"Very impotant day." Daniel smiled at me.

"How so?" I asked cheekily.

"Because we're moving. Remember?" daniel asked. "Duh."

"Oh...thats today? Oh god." I said, putting Ava to play in her crib. "Should i pack?"

"You didnt pack yet?" Daniel asked me with a 'are u stupid?' Face.

"No. I forgot. Sorry, dont worry, i'll be quick." I said, grabbing boxes and putting things inside.

Daniel laughed, "well ima go feed ava."

"Okay, go ahead. Nothing to see here." I said, packing my things. Daniel chuckled, taking Ava downstairs, feeding her sliced bananas and strawberrys.

"Well...?" I said, looking at the gift i got Daniel. Did he really forget? Maybe im wrong?

Forty minutes passed and i finnished packing. I was like the fucking flash, flashing around my room. I got dressed into a dress and sneakers, feeling femimine.

"Woah, they there. Im daniel, and you must be?" Daniel asked, looking at me up and down.

"Not interested." I said, swaying my hips to the kitchen. I heard Daniel gasp, and laugh, giggling a bit.

I ate breakfast, scrolling on instagram. "Good morning honey." My mom smiled. I love my mom. Shes always there for me and my #1 fan. Its hard to move away knowing she isnt a room away from me.

"Hi mommy. Guess what?" I asked.

"Hm?" My mom said, making breakfast.

"Im moving out." I said. Ashley choked on her orange juice, Jordan looking at me with wide eyes and my mom just starred at me.

"Oh..?" My mom asked.

"Yea, its kinda today. Like i'll leave in 45 minutes." I said, playing with my fingers. My mom didnt say anything. Only ashley gave me looks. "So...what do you think?"

"Well, im proud your making your own choices. I pray that god takes you on the good path." My mom said, smiling. "Im gonna miss you." She said, hugging me.

"I love you momma." I smiled, squeezing her. Yes, Im a softie for my mommy.

"Mrs. Besson." Daniel smiled.

"Oh, Daniel! Im gonna miss you most!" My mom said, hugging Daniel tight, pushing me away. My jaw hung open,

"Im going to miss you too mrs. Besson." Daniel smiled, hugging back.

"Daniel, i think we have to put the boxes in the truck." I said holding ava. "And when i say we, i mean you."

"Yea yea." Daniel rolled his eyes, carrying boxes to the truck. I walked outside, sitting on the grass, playing with ava.

"Look pretty girl, pretty flowers!" I said, cooing at her, handing her flowers from the grass. "See, pretty!"

"Ahh!" Ava squealed, flapping her hands in the air. I laughed, putting the flowers in her pretty brown locks of hair.

"Okay, im done you lazy potatoes." Daniel said, taking ava. "Look at my pretty girl!"

I giggled, running to my mom again, hugging her tight. "Bye bebe." My mom said, kissing my head.

"By mommy mom." I giggled. "Bye ashley."

"Mhm." Ashley said.

"Oh c'mon and hug me before you miss me." I said, opening my arms.

"Oh please, like i'll miss u." Ashley scoffed.

She looked at me, with tears in her eyes. "Okay, maybe i will miss u a little bit. Between you and me ur my favorite brother." Ashley laughed, sniffling, hugging me.

I huged back, smiling. "Ur my favorite sister."

"Im your only sister, idiot." Ashley said.

I said goodbye to jordan, running out of the house. I got inside the car.

"The guys will drop out stuff in the uh house. But erm, i was thinking about grabbing something to eat."

Could this be my gift?

"Sure." I smile. Daniel smiles too. He stopped, parking. We parked at a fancy returaunt. That must explain why Ava and Daniel were dressed nicely.

"This looks so cool!" I smile.

"Very cool." Daniel winked. "Can you uh grab ava so i can take care of something here?"

"Sure?" I say, getting ava. Daniel comes back, smiling. "Okay, lets go."

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