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I felt Daniels hot breath against my pink lips, we got closer, his lips brushing against mine.


My mom called me.

Moma❤☺ is calling...

My ringtone rang loud, making me and Daniel jump in fear.

"I-I think you should.."

" of course.." I said, getting my phone in embarrassment. "Hello?"

"Baby bean how are you?" My mom asked in a peppy tone.

Out of all the moments she could call me...why now?!

"Great moma, and you?" I asked, frowning a bit since Daniel started getting dressed.

"Amazing. Gosh, I havent spoke to you in days babe." My mom said. I can tell she missed me lots.

"Were are u?" She asked.

"Staying with a friend at a cabin."

"Ooo, a friend?" She giggled, making me blush because Daniel heard her.

"Yes mom a friend."

"How many beds?"




"I-..dont get her pregnant." She said.

"Her? Oh no moma no." I blushed harder. "Its a boy. His name is-"

Before I could finnish, Daniel got my phone. "Hi, I'm Daniel Seavey. May I ask your name?" Daniel asked in a peppy tone.

"Oh, why hello there. Im Corbyns mother."

"Oh well Mrs. Besson you are such a charm." Daniel smiled through the phone. And my I say, Daniel was hitting it off with my mom.

Her and Daniel literally talked for an hour straight. Daniel handed me my phone to say my last goodbyes to her.

"Bye moma."

"Bye baby. Bye daniel!!" She giggled. "Bye Mrs. Besson!!" Daniel yelled.

I hung up, looking at Daniel who had a cheeky smile on his face.

"So?" Daniel asked.

"So?" I giggled.

"Your mom likes me." Daniel said, proud.

"Oh, she loves u. I havent seen her talk to someone like she does to u."

"Well, lets go out."


"We can take dorbyn." Daniel said, putting quotes on Dorbyn.

"We should name her like, Daisy."

"Or something cute like Corbyn." Daniel flirted.

"Or something dumb like daniel." I shot back.

"But we can take her.." Daniel slid his hands down my sides. "With us..or we can you know maybe go alone. Spend some time together."

I nodded as Daniel carried me outside, the cold air had the smell of peppermint. Daniels nose was red, it was the cutest thing.

Daniel and I got to the park, sitting and walking.

We played with snow, making snow angels, Daniel accidentally ate the yellow snow, making him spit it out.

"You creepy kid." I said, booping his nose.

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