Chapter 11: The Circumstances

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It was the last day, and tomorrow both Forth and Beam will go back to the University. Beam is observing Forth who is fidgeting beside him. He seems to have words he would like to tell Beam but always  end up not continuing it.

"Forth, what is it? Tell me." Beam

"I miss you. And I am afraid, I'll be missing you more. " Forth cannot even looks Beam in his eyes.

"hmnn? what do you mean?" Beam

" I Am enjoying too much, that I don't want anything to ruin  this time, my time with you." Forth

"Stop talking in circles, tell me directly." Beam

"I'll be going back to London Bee." Forth in a very low voice.

Beam most hated words just come up, he tried to control himself from over reacting so he end up frozen instead.  He was holding the edge of  Forth's t- shirt too strong that stretched too much.

Forth saw Beam's unfocused eyes, or maybe its proper to say he is avoiding  his eyes. Forth pull Beam for a hug.

"hey hey hey Beam, look at me. It won't be long this time." Forth cupping Beam's cheeks to see him in the eye.

"you said that last time" Beam in almost a whisper

"I know this was not the right timing at all. You ...and I. We haven't even talk things out and here I am saying another goodbye.If only I can bring you. Nope, you just started college, lots of fun during the first semester. I don't want you to miss a single thing of those." Forth crushing Beam in a tight hug.

"how long this time?" Beam just hiding his face from Forth.

"A month and a half for the longest." Forth sighing, he  already dreaded the days ahead, surely he'll misses Beam  to no end.

"why?" Beam.

"I was too excited to see you that I booked an earlier flight ahead of schedule. I still need to finish some exit requirements from my previous exchanged school. Then I just got a  message from our University.  Informing me to represent the school for an international engineering competition. My groups previous design was nominated and selected as a preliminary piece." Forth would like to add that he'll be having his check up too but no, its  not the right time.

" Forth, last chance! " Beam

"Shit! ....I know it Bee, please believe just this time. I understand, one wrong move  I am totally out! I won't disappears this time. Promised. I'll be back in no time. I'll call you and do real time with you . Please Bee don't shut me out for this. If only I can back out with this,but my team needs me. They have been begging me nonstop just so I'll join this project. Most of them need this for their future credits. " Forth begging Beam.

"6 weeks maximum Forth!" Beam trying to act tough on Forth

"i know Bee. Wait for me...well talk once I'm Back."  Forth spooning Beam trying to ease him.

Just like that  Forth took a flight the very next day.

Beam was back in school. He wonders why it seems that no one is throwing ugly glares to him when he comes back. Then he remembers what Forth has told him. That  Forth's friends  is always on check. Making sure that he is not harm in any way there is.

Lately he finds himself odd. Its odd for him to see himself smiling...a lot. It was like a new him. Even Phana and Kit has been tongue tied  to comment on this. They are shocked, but they welcome the changed.  I don't even know it at first, not until  girls start crushing over him in just a week after he comes back from his vacation. The negative murmurs are changed into girl screaming his names when he is around. Just like now, the three of them are having a Freshies Week. All are required to participate their block's activities.  Currently their gang is having a basketball game, and later will have amazing race. At first he thought the cheers are for his dimple guy friend Kit or For his handsome friend Phana and so he was dumbfounded when he saw the photos they are holding. They even have mini blinking placards with them.

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