Chapter 18: The Talk

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Coz I Promise to Update today. Hope it's not too late😂

(something just doesn't add up, a result of writing advance chapter than current...but im lazy to edit anything now😜)

A/N: Really I cannot find more proper photos on Google. Tried different search engine names and these are all I've got. Let us just imagine it's our Beamie's picture and paper plane letter for Forth. 😜

"you want to know who you are? Then I'll show you Beam. Just who you are to me." Forth slowly stands up and goes to a nearby closet. Took a box on it and throws it to the bed.

Beam's heart is stricken with another form of bursting emotions

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Beam's heart is stricken with another form of bursting emotions. It was hard to define it, whether he is shocked, happy, or sad or maybe a combination of all.

In Forth's bed are the letters he wrote to him(paper planes), and hundreds of  stolen pictures of him, moments of him growing up. Also with  comes with it is a set of bracelet. He doesn't have to ask, he guesses it's probably for Forth and him.

Beam kneels on the bed, he was shaking when he pick a few  pictures and a few letters.  Beam is unable to say even a word. He don't know what to say.

"you ask me who you are, and that are only a glimpse of who you are to me Beam...My treasure."  Forth

"you have these?  then why? Not even a single  reply Forth?" Beam is having a flashback of emotions, he remembers the times he earnestly prayed just to have a single reply from Forth. He waited...and waited but no one came.

"Because I cannot Beam...because there is nothing good to say." Forth is having a hard time completing his sentence. The talk they have been dragging and avoiding is happening.

" Tell me Now, make me understand." Beam

"I should have told you this earlier but, opening this wound is not easy for me Beam." Forth's old memories are flashing in front him, memories that are too old but still very clear in his memories.



Unceremoniously Forth took off his shirt and Beam is breaking in front of what his eyes is seeing. Beam took his own hands to cover his mouth, trying to suppress his own sob and state of shocked.

" Do you want to know how I get my name Tae Darvid?" Forth

"Three Kids, just enjoying a walk in a shopping district in New York , busy chatting and just roaming around looking for gifts. With them is a couple in charge of their boss Son.In their way back, just half way back to the mansion, the kids  start to hear gun noises... " Forth

"..." Forth

"It was an ambush. A planned ambushed! One of the Kid's parent's is secretly involved on an underground dealings, but was hunt backed when he tells them his wishes to be out. He has children to protect."  Forth

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