Chapter 36: The Cheese in Trap

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This story is going to end very soon. Just one more chapter.  Thank you♥️♥️♥️


This week is School Foundation Week. I originally thought this will be different from High School, maybe less crazy activities because this is already college, but nope I was totally wrong.

I Am Fidgeting with my fingers, tapping the chairs I am sitting because I am so nervous. I saw Kit next to me and he seems to be doing just fine. Well what can I do, Kit used to love performing before. Even Phana mentioned that Kit does excel in performing , good in both singing and dancing. Him on the other hand was more on playing instruments. He loves to sing, but not in front of a crowd. His old cold persona image does not really matched up with dancing and singing. Yes! You got it all right. Right now we are about to perform for a surprised number. Well more like a punishment actually for missing a practical in P.E! Yes, damn P.E.! My Professor was very not happy, saying we neglected his subject just because it was just P.E. that he ordered us to participate on this program, before we can do the special practical exam with him. Just for this semester Phana took a different P.E. than Us. Phana took Taekwondo while both Kit and I took tennis. We would love to take Taekwondo too, but because our boyfriends are way too possesive we took tennis instead. Phana is sometimes really an egoist maniac, he took Taekwondo just to show everyone not to mess with him. Nah Kit is heavily guarded.

I am silently cursing, if not for his boyfriend Forth and best friend Phana, he will not have this punishment now. Curse them for getting too drunk on an early afternoon. They are both too drunk that both Kit and I need to take them to their respective room. And so we ended up not going to school the whole afternoon. Just Nursing too big heavy giants!

He is nervous, even without proper announcement, the news of them performing spreads like a wide fire. He is praying that  both Forth and Phana will not know of this since we both hide this to the two. First I am embarrassed. Second we don't know how will our boyfriends react to this. At worst they could go wild.

On The Other Side

An angry Phana is entering the sacred dungeon of engineering. Not minding everyone just shouting looking for Forth.

"Forth!!!" Phana

"Damn not even a "Phi" Phana!" Forth

"Nah! I'm in a hurry, besides we both need each other's help!" Phana

"So, what brought you here? You know the code of engineering right? We are territorial Phana" Forth

"Damn code ! We don't need that right now! We both need your army! Now!!!" Phana is very agitated.

"We? Tell me directly Pha!" Forth seeing Phana is not in his very usual state;calmed and poised  Forth felt that something might be very wrong with their boyfriends.

"Kit and Beam are performing in a very few minutes!" Phana

"hmmmnn I knew both of them does play instrument really well its..." Forth was suddenly cut by Phana

"shit Forth, they'll sing and DANCE.! And It's not Hip hop!" Phana exclaimed to Forth.Making his point.

There is total silent before Forth digested everything and gritted his teeth.

"Lam! Send a message to the group chat!!!" Forth in a very angry voice. It even startled Lam.

"Yes Forth! Done!" Lam

"Max and Tul!, secure the radius!" Forth still in a very authoritative voice.

"Yes boss!" Max and Tul

"the rest of you, make sure no one eyes Beam and Kit for too long! Anyone who throws lusty eyes to them, you know what to do! " Forth in his hazing mode.

"yes boss!!!!" Was the reply of all.

"Damn! I even want to prepare a burial site! A Mass Burial!" Phana exasperated that Kit hides this from him. As if he can hide it. The word spreads so fast knowing it concerns both Kit and Beam! Both Lethal Sirens!

"Do that! I'll help you if needed! Damn Pha you own a medical empire! One wrong move and I'll send those people to ashes!" Forth.

Peoples around them shivers, It was like Two psycho planning for a mass murder. And they all know, its not even a joke. Nope! Both Phana and Forth both came from a very powerful families, touch Beam and Kit and they will surely not regret sending someone to the hospital at the very least.

"shit! I have seen both of them performed before, both very lethal! Shit my poor soul!" Phana

"Should we just caged them Pha? Beam need not to go to work or even finished college! I make sure he won't go out of money! I'll provide everything!" Forth

"accept it Forth! Losing your peace of Mind because of Beam. We cannot do anything, both of them dreamed of becoming great doctors!" Phana resigning to his fate.

"Forth! Your car is here!" Lam calling Forth

"Shit lets go Pha! We have cute little bunnies to trap! And a hundred of mice to catch! Dare them to make unwanted move!" Forth

And just like that both Forth and Phana goes to the venue of the performance. Ready to crushed any unwanted mice.


"Shit!" Kit

"Why Kit?" Beam

"They are Here Beam!" Kit

"Shit I'm doomed! A jealous Phana is very hard to handle! "Kit whines.

Beam take a loot outside the stage. He saw Forth, Phana and " The Army". Almost every where Engineering students are occupying the audience. Beam Gulps, he saw Forth. He seems not happy with this. He honestly find Forth scary at times , not for him though but for others. He is not oblivious, he knows Forth's army had sent most of his unwanted suitors inside a very white colored four-cornered room; a hospital.

Forth's Mood right now is really deadly. I know I should have not hide this from him, but honestly I am just embarassed with this whole act of performing. Shit! I have a very giant Baby to pacify later.

A/N: Forgive the grammar and typos, sometimes I am just too lazy to check.🐷

Photos credited to the original uploader or whoever owns it.🐷

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