Something About Her

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"Wait..." The strange girl said, slowly stepping out of the dark corner. "You can see me?"

The light gave Jennie a better look at her. She was wearing a brown hoodie with dark jeans and worn out black converse. Jennie could see that her eyes were wide with fear and worry, but also that they were a unique shade of blue. They were deep and dark, cobalt like. And despite the terrified look on her face, the girl was actually kind of... cute.

Wait, cute? What the hell was Jennie thinking?! This girl just broke into her house!

"What do you mean?" Jennie asked, confused, her chest still rising and falling with short, nervous breaths. "Of course I can see you! The corner isn't that dark."

Chaerin had heard her daughter's scream from the kitchen and she started walking towards the basement door. "Jennie?" She hollered. "What's wrong?"

Jennie was still pressed up against the wall and glanced at the brunette on the other side of the room. The girl was shaking her head and pressing a finger to her lips, her dark blue eyes begging for Jennie to stay quiet.

Chaerin's footsteps were getting closer and Jennie's gaze darted back and forth between the brunette and the door.

And it was strange.

The logical part of Jennie's brain was telling her to scream, run up the stairs and call the cops on the tiny home invader. But the other side of Jennie's brain– the sympathetic, curious and completely insane part– was telling her to wait and hear the girl out.

The brunette did seem harmless, after all. Like a normal teen aged girl... who just happened to be hiding in her basement. She didn't look like a serial killer or a burglar. A burglar wouldn't have pretty hair or eyes that gleamed in the dark.

Okay... Jennie seriously needed to get a grip.

Chaerin opened the basement door. "Jennie? You alright down there? I heard you scream."

Jennie eyed the brunette again. She was still on the other side of the room, but she seemed closer than before. Her brow was curved and she continued to plead with Jennie for her silence.

"Y-Yeah, mom!" Jennie said, gallantly choosing to give the brunette a chance. "I'm fine."

The other girl relaxed at her answer and Jennie cautiously stepped forward to reach the bottom of the stairs. She looked up at her mother and smiled sheepishly at her.

"Why'd you scream?" Chaerin asked.

"O-Oh, I, um–" Jennie cleared her throat and looked at the other girl. "I thought I saw a spider."

Chaerin laughed. "My goodness, you scared me!" And then she turned to leave. "Be careful down there." With one last chuckle, Jennie's mom closed the basement door and left her alone with the cute– sorry, female intruder.

Neither of them spoke for what felt like forever. Jennie wasn't exactly sure what to say, so she just gawked at her. Luckily the other girl was able to break the silence and finally spoke up.

"Thank you." She said, her previously tense demeanor softening.

Jennie could feel her body relaxing too. "You're welcome." She hesitated on her next question, but eventually gained enough confidence to ask. "So, uh... Who are you and why are you in my basement?"

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