Who the hell are you?

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"Jennie! Come on, sweetie. We gotta go!"The young redhead knew her mother was calling for her from downstairs, but she couldn't leave. Not yet. She needed a few more minutes to remember her room; the way it looked, the way it smelled. But most importantly, Jennie needed to remember the way it had been her escape for the last twelve years.

She was standing at her bedroom door frame, mindlessly staring at the empty space in front of her as she reminisced on the "good old days." She was so lost in her thoughts, that she hadn't heard her older brother, Taehyung, coming up the stairs, and she jumped when he tapped her shoulder."Hey." He said. "What are you doing? It's time for us to leave."Jennie was pretty close to her brother. They were only a year apart in age, and despite a few minor disagreements every so often, they actually got along pretty well. He was always there for her whenever she needed him, and he had been her biggest supporter when she came out as a bisexual in the eighth grade.Overall, Taehyung was more than just her older brother. He was her best friend.Jennie looked at him with sad eyes. "Aren't you going to miss this place?"He stuck his hands in his pockets, glanced around the empty room, and shrugged. "I mean yeah, I guess. But come on–" He nudged her arm. "Aren't you at least a little bit excited that our new place is gonna be bigger and a hell of a lot nicer than this one?"This was true. Jennie's parents had opened their own real estate agency a year prior and in a short amount of time, it had grown to be very successful. Affording a larger home had always been a dream of their's, and her parents were beyond ecstatic that it was finally coming true.But Jennie sighed. "I guess." And she turned to face her brother. "But what about school? Aren't you going to miss your friends? Aren't you going to miss Jungkook?"Taehyung's demeanor fell a bit at the mention of his ex-boyfriend's name and he looked away. "Jungkook and I... broke up.""Oh..." Jennie said, unaware of this new information. "Sorry about that."Taehyung shrugged it off. "Eh, it's whatever. He wasn't the "serious relationship" type of boy anyway. It's probably for the best."Jennie wasn't sure what to say, but before she could think of anything, their mother was calling for them again."Tae! What are you guys doing up there? Let's go!"Taehyung widened his eyes. "We better get down there before she kills us both."Jennie knew he was trying to be funny, trying to lighten the mood in any way possible, just to cheer her up, but Jennie still didn't smile."Yeah, okay." She gazed at her empty room one last time, took a deep breath, and then finally let it go. "I'm ready."

The new neighborhood was nice. Nicer than their previous one had been and the house was as big as Jennie's parents said it would be.It was a two story home, with a basement and attic. It was painted white, which went well with the blue shudders that surrounded it, and there was a prim path of granite stones leading up to the large porch.Jennie laughed as she looked at it, realizing it looked like the typical suburban house you would see in a classic movie. She huffed a strand of red hair out of her face just as a hand grabbed a hold of her shoulder."Isn't it beautiful, honey?" And although Jennie was still bummed about leaving her old life behind, she couldn't exactly disagree with her mother. Because, yeah. It was.Jennie nodded. "Yeah, mom. It's nice."Chaelin could sense the lack of excitement in her daughter's voice. "Oh, sweetie." She turned her daughter around to look at her. "I'm sure you'll grow to love this place." Jennie's weary expression didn't change, so the older woman tried again. "And who knows? Maybe you'll meet someone special out here." She winked, but Jennie only quirked a dubious brow at her."Yeah." She snickered, doubtfully. "We'll see about that."

Moving the boxes and furniture out of the Uhaul trucks was tiring work, but between the four of them, the Kim's were able to get everything out in just three and a half hours.It took them about another three hours to get all of the bedroom furniture upstairs and set up enough so they could all get a good night's rest, and by seven o'clock, the family had taken a break and ordered a pizza.They sat down at their dining room table– which was temporarily located in the living room– and enjoyed their dinner together, many scattered boxes still randomly stacked around them as they ate.The meal had been quiet for the most part, but then Jennie's dad cleared his throat and broke the awkward silence."So what do you kids think of the new house?" His smile was hopeful and expectant, and Taehyung was quick to give his honest opinion."I like it." He said, glancing over at Jennie. She was keeping her eyes fixated on the slice of pizza in front of her and he kicked her under the table to grab her attention."Oh!" Jennie yelped, straightening herself out from her previously slouched position and plastered a fake smile across her face. "Yeah, dad. It's– It's great."The older man smiled satisfactorily, while Jennie rubbed her shin under the table and she shot  Taehyung an ominous glare.

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