Chapter 9

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    I was nervous. It's not like I don't want to kiss him but I know that if I do, things between us will never be the same. He helps me a lot with my own stuff, and I don't want to lose that, and even though we only know each other for a few days, I trust him. He's the only person I have here.
 -I'm not just going to kiss him like this. -I said, hoping Phillipa would change her dare.
 -Why? I did it and didn't complain. -Phillipa said, making it even harder for me.
 -Look, I don't even know if he's okay with this...
    Michael looked at me and whispered ''It's okay''.
    Now I have to do it... I took a deep breath, leaned forward, closed my eyes and kissed him. He held my head on his right hand while kissing me. Our lips moved in the same rhythm but different directions  and I felt him breathing harder. I leaned back and he stared at me, confused, and started to grab his backpack and went outside. I was worried with what happened, I mean.. Am I that bad? Why did he run away?
    I followed his steps and heard Ashton telling everyone to stay there. Michael stopped by the gate and leaned on the wall.
 -Michael, what the hell happened?
 -Sorry, I ... I have to be alone for a while.
 -I knew we shouldn't have kissed.
 -No! It's not that... I... I recently broke up and...
 -You still like her? Amy?
    He paused. He looked at me and then looked down while sitting on the ground.
 -No, I don't like her, but she really hurt me. And this kiss... It meant something, and I kind of liked it but I can't do this right now. I'm not healed yet.

 -Oh, I get it. Look, Michael... it's okay for you to be down. I get it... Things aren't easy for me too, and you know it.
    I stared at his face and I could see he was really sad. I gently placed my hand on his hair, softly playing and messing with it.
 -I'll make enything I can to make you happy, I don't want to see you like that.
    He smiled at me and then hugged me. Since we were outside, it was a bit cold to be with just a T-shirt on, so I started shaking. Michael noticed and hugged me even harder. The hug was so tight that I could feel his heart beating, and I felt comfortable with him.
 -Hey, lovebirds! We're going home...
    I heard Calum's voice from far. He brought me my backpack that I had forgotten inside the house. All of us started walking in the dark, each one of us going different directions, but I was right by Michael's side. He's a bit pale, and the moonlight on his skin makes him look a lot better. He didn't look as sad, in fact he was starting to mock me by the way I walk.
 -So, we're good? -he asked.
 -Good? What do you mean?
 -You know.. about the kiss. I don't want it to be awkward.
 -Oh, of course. Don't worry about it.
     We both smiled and proceed to make fun of one another.
    The bell rang and the classes were starting. Karen was leaving us at the school and we were rushing because we might be a little late for my first day of classes. When I got to school I realised I didn't have a phone, but I didn't really care. I just ran as much as I could following Michael through the hallways of the school.
    As we got to the classroom, I sat next to Michael and Amy sat next to me.
 -So... you're name is Sophia right? -asked Amy.
 -Yes. Hi..
    She turned her back to me. Good, first day and already starting to hate this girl. Zoey, one of the English girls answered me with a sweet ''hi''. We started talking about the trip and how we we're going to help each other here, since we're both foreign. Luke got closer and handed me my phone.
 -Hey, you left this by my house.
 -Oh, thank god, Luke! I thought I lost it, even though I didn't even look for it. I came here running...
 -I know, I saw you... You look good with Michael.
    He winked at me and I just said ''shut up''. Zoey looked at both of us, so I just thought of introducing them.
 -Hey Zoey, this is Luke, and Luke, this is Zoey.
    They both introduced themselves and I felt chemistry there... Another Phillipa/Calum story? Please, no. I'm gonna get sick again.
Michael turned to me, smirked and said:
 -Hey, let's play a game.

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