Chapter 29

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    The clarity of the light of the sun coming through my bedroom's window woke me up. The summer is almost over and I haven't done anything good with it. I spent all summer stuck in my bedroom, watching movies and reading books, without wanting to get out. I only got out of the house a few times, and just because my mum asked me to so I wouldn't be here all day. Phillipa was nice enough to hang out with me when we arrived, but after some weeks we stopped talking. Not because I didn't like to be with her, but she was always talking about Calum and the boys, and I can't handle it.

    I haven't talked with the boys either... I tried to keep in touch with them but after a month, we all stopped chatting. It was hard, and we all knew that no matter how much we tried, we would never be together. We just gave up. I still talk to Christy and Zoey, but only once a month or so.

    I turned to the left and looked at the clock. It marked 10:26 am so I got up. The last few weeks have been awful, mostly because I'm seeing everyone having fun and I'm here, alone, not wanting to be with anyone. It's not like I don't enjoy being alone, but it's sad. I'm sad...

    I grabbed my laptop and checked the news. I finished high school and I'm not planning on studying anymore. I'm trying to find a job so I can start saving money to buy my own car, since I already turned 18.

    At this point, I'm home alone. I don't have anything to cook in the house so I decided to go for a walk and have lunch in a near restaurant. I left my house, in a quiet place of the city, and walked to the center of the city, which wasn't that far away. My phone was ringing and I glanced at it to see who it was. ''Phillipa'' was written on the screen, so I ignored the call and kept walking. I have an awful habit of not answering phone calls while walking because I usually trip over everything and there's a lot of people around me, I don't want to make a fool of myself.

    I was walking down a road, near to a small shopping center, and a group of teen girls was standing on my right side. Everyone, literally everyone, could hear their conversation. They were talking so loudly that even on the other side of the street, even with all the noise of a regular city, you could hear their voices. While walking next to them, I heard what they were saying, now clearly. ''Oh my god! They are so cute! I'm dying to see them here... It's only a month away!'' oh, I see... Typical fangirls, I guess. ''I love 5 Seconds of Summer! They're my ultimate fave band.'' wait, what? 5 Seconds of Summer? Like... The guys?

    Their conversation caught my attention so I got closer to them and sat on a bench, pretending to text someone so I could hear them. ''Luke is so hot, though... I'm definately going to marry him'' Luke? They know Luke? ''I heard that Ashton has a girlfriend, but who cares? I'm probably better and hotter than her!'' I was starting to get angry, they were talking about them... and Christy!

    I breathed in to get courage and I went her way.

 -Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't help it but I heard your conversation. Were you talking about a band?
 -Yeah, and australian band called 5 Seconds of Summer. Why?
 -Oh, nothing... It's just, I have a friend who loves them and I heard you mentioning a concert. Is it right?
 -Yes! They're coming here next month!
 -Thank you...

    I walked away from them and I heard them whispering something about me, but I was having so many thoughts that I didn't hear what they said. I can't believe this... maybe it's another australian band with the same name.. and a guy named Luke and another named Ashton. It can't be them...


 -Who is this?
 -It's Phillipa, I have a new number.
 -Oh, hi! Sorry I hang up last time you called, I was walking.
 -It's okay. Do you think we can get together to catch up a bit?
 -Uhm, sure. Just tell me when and where.

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